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What are you interested in that most people aren’t?

nedkelly · 61-69, M
dealing with peoples debts, especially with debt collectors who think they can harass my clients
The forensics of belly button lint.
smile122 · 56-60, M
@puck61 That sounds like a "CSI" spin-off show...
@smile122 Yeah, I submitted the idea three months ago. They haven't gotten back to me yet.
smile122 · 56-60, M
Keep your fingers crossed! It's a brilliant idea!
Ravenheart · 36-40, M
Moving to Mars and raising a human Martian born army ushering in an Era of an independent Martian kingdom and ending human reliance on earth's resources and breaking the limiting bonds of earther customs and truly building a new world
smile122 · 56-60, M
@Ravenheart You could even start the first Mars Chocolate Bar factory there! :)
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@puck61 He maybe thinking of global warming
@nedkelly Uh oh! You know....maybe global warming can out source to mars and terraform it in the process. Then we can all move there!
figure skating
smile122 · 56-60, M
Bummer she retired recently...
@smile122 yeah, but she's been a senior since 2005 so it was only to be expected. and with the crop of young japanese skaters coming up, i think we'll be fine. i'm personally really excited to see some of the younger skaters develop
smile122 · 56-60, M
Out with the old.. in with the new!
That is the relentless nature of sports! :)
smile122 · 56-60, M
Are you hoping to be a parasitologist one day?
@smile122 no. I just like learning
smile122 · 56-60, M
You will go far in life if you like learning. :)
elVato · 46-50, M
Lister engines.
smile122 · 56-60, M
@elVato @elVato What got you interested in these kinds of engines?
elVato · 46-50, M
@smile122 When I was a kid a farmer my father knew had one and I would watch in amazement at it when we'd visit.
I am interested till I know them
Planter715 · 61-69, MVIP

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