SW-User Best Comment
No. I had until all the crap with DAPL protests being unreported on or reported very different from what I saw on live feeds of people who were there. After that, I noticed other things taking place that were left out or told in a way that steered people towards certain ways of thinking. Ridiculous.
Take it with a grain of salt.. Everyone has their own opinions and stories and views that they share regardless of if they are right or wrong.. News included
khaledkhaled · 31-35, M
@SStarfish agree
There is some news sources I trust.
DarkDelight · 41-45, F
It depends on which media you're talking about but if you mean media in general then I "trust, but verify." At the end of the day media (wether it's the news, tv and music, or just a social site like this one) is a way of connecting with people, even people from across the world. Sometimes it can lead us astray or be deceiving or conniving in its own meticulous way, or even just to make people live in fear as you said. But other times it can be used to inform people and inspire people. So yea it has its ups and it's downs like anything else in the world. If I didn't trust it I wouldn't use it but the importance lies in how it is used. Some use it for bad some for good. So we all owe it to ourselves to make sure we're supporting the ones we consider good, other wise the bad ones will continue to run rampant. It's like a great power great responsibility kinda thing
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
I don't even watch it
Serenitree · F
I don't even believe all of what I witness with my own eyes, because there are always movies being filmed in our city. I could be watching a movie.
khaledkhaled · 31-35, M
@Serenitree true 👍
Hope70 · F
No. I watched Russaian television (RT) during the election. I thought you got more truth on there then on our own stations. Pretty sad.
cycleman · 61-69, M
there are more then two sides to every story.
khaledkhaled · 31-35, M
@cycleman exactly maybe the true one you won't know it ever
No, some things the media says is bs.
Depends on the source, but there's a lot of distortion I used to like Aljazeera that doesn't have the western bias. Otherwise I ,"read between the lines". It also depends on the recipients; sensationalism, bias, racism sells. But sometimes the media does inform, and has been informing: Trump's huge mistakes, what is going on in Syria, for example
Mert5356 · 41-45, M
The media is out for its own agenda. They will say what they want to apply to whoever they are appealing to.
bijouxbroussard · F
I haven't stopped trusting certain sources just because this president wants to call anything critical of him "fake news". He's the one with the agenda and everything to lose.
Mondayschild · F
Don't watch