Post Drafts & Group Suggestions (based on what you Type) 🏅
Hey Similar Worlds 🌍🗺️,
Based on your user feedback indicating that selecting a Group for a Post can be a tedious process for some, we have finally released some improvements.
Group Suggestions (based on what you Type) 📝
The system will now look at your Post, and try to suggest a number of Groups for it.
Example, if you post: "I'm listening to Michael Jackson songs in this St. Patrick Day!"
You will be presented with some Group suggestions such as:
If you are not happy with the suggestions (or didn't get any), you can still find your Recently Used groups by tapping on the "Search" field, and/or manually look for another Group to post in.
Post Drafts 📔
It is now possible to save Posts for later.
If you save the post, but you don't select a Group and a Post Type, the post will safely be saved as a Draft.
You can find and manage your Drafts by pressing the button above the New Post form:
Thank you for your support.
We are constantly listening to your suggestions, so please keep giving them to us, as they are very important to the future of Similar Worlds.
I'm really glad to have the drafts feature and I'll be sure to try out group suggestions next time I write a thread. I just don't understand why we need groups, topics, AND categories when they all do the exact same thing. This whole posts system would run 100x smoother if you guys just committed to one of those three things & ran suggestions based on that and frankly, topics are by far the best candidate. I find it hard to really attach a specific mood to like 80% of my posts and the groups feature has always been cumbersome to use, despite the great changes y'all have made.
If moods have any place on this site, they should probably be simply positive/neutral/negative. There are days when I'm really not doin' so hot and can't stand to read sad posts, but like is there really a reason why one would be alright with reading 'positive' posts but not 'fun' posts? Just a thought...
@Peaches I'm just messing about. I mean I couldn't really expect anyone to go answering for the downvoting they've done under one rule if they suddenly go and change it to another one. Although yeah the thought is playfully sorta funny like sat there watching all the fireworks go off as everyone suddenly finds out who's been downvoting them all this time, lolz. 😄 乂^◡^乂
@OogieBoogie Yesterday I was feeling like I was complaining about nothing.. but you have made me realize I am not the onoy one who feels this way.
It is not user friendly. Every simple thing is now too complicated.
I can hardly search and find a group unless I recall the exact name of that group. I don't have time to sift through pages of groups to find the exact one I am looking for.
Please introduce a TURN OFF MESSAGES feature. Lots of users don't want to private message, and its existence is a large contributing factor to women not wanting to be part of SW. You can exempt the SW team from this. If someone doesn't want to be part of messaging you can tell those attempting to reach them that they've chosen to not accept messages.
@Nuno Have you given any thought to why this site hasn't been as successful as you wished? It's because there are too many ways that women can be driven away. It's like a party without any women: dying after the first half hour. Messages to new women are almost always about seeking personal information or sexual intercourse, and these messages are unfortunately read before being trashed. It's so unappealing.
@Nuno i dont agree some people generally do not want to be messaged on here so if enough people request them to be turned off why not give them what they want?
@LoveKitty however now that i can think of it you can also restrict who messages you by adjusting your inbox settings
Other social media sites used to allow users to see the activity of others. The posts they liked the comments they made. Any replies between followers. This unfortunately lead to serious stalking. So that feature was removed. Previously you could accept messages from anyone. Now there are settings that allows you to filter messages from people you don't follow or words you don't want to read, this automatically sends them to request. The same goes for tagging previously those websites allowed you to tag people and it automatically linked you to the photo or comment now you have to accept the request for it.
This was to deter cyber bullying, stalking and online scamming/fraud.
When people like your posts you also don't get to see who likes it unless one of the followers is mutual, it now says a followers name and others.
I'm not sure if this information helps but it's effectively to create anonymity. Many people don't want to be on social media for the likes!
This website is supposed to be different from the others.
The sole purpose of this website is the anonymity so that people can be their authentic selves free from judgment. The moment you start visualising likes or dislikes. Forcing people to see content and messages they don't want. Posting material with all these additional tags it kills the vibe.
I personally can say that I don't have a lot of complaints about this website anymore. Except I personally feel the pandemic has had a massive impact on people's motivation.
I no longer see adult material against my will. I no longer see messages I didn't accept. I also don't really need to know who likes or downvotes my or others posts (not unless they are my friends)
I'm more interested in the genuine engagement I have with others.
It's nice to see that x number of people liked the post as its useful to know I'm still connecting to like minded people but I feel that there are some people here that specifically make comments just so the user knows exactly what they thought and that opens the lines of communication.
The encouragement for people to be kinder to each other has also really helped things because the trolling/arguing has been reduced significantly.
Maybe it would be useful if you could consider revisiting the orginial idea behind sw and think about it's impact of the gdpr and safety of the users.
It might also be useful to have the mood and the groups on posts optional so you have to pick at least one for it to be posted.
Drafts has definitely always been needed.
But thank you for listening and trying to make this work for us.
@Vivaci I just posted something. You title and write it first, then save the draft, then select a group from a list, or search for one, then select a mood, then submit.
Sometimes a question is just a question, is having every question grouped an ad placement thing? I don't go to groups to answer questions I just go to my feed.
This is kinda unrelated, but something I've noticed that I think would be nice... In the post categories on our profiles, if we could have the capability to rearrange those so we could choose what categories others see first when they look at our profiles... that would be great!
@DeWayfarer I have no idea what a Gboard is or a keyboard app. I think the problem is probably with the Samsung Internet App. It has never worked right. I used to think the reason why it took a couple minutes to get SW to load was SW's fault but then I realized it was the Internet app.
@hunkalove see if you can get almost any other web browser. Most use chrome, I use Foxfire. Yet there are many other web browsers. Like duckduckgo, dolphin and many others.
All of them you can get through Google play store. Also while you're there download Gboard.
@hunkalove I'm using Samsung Internet for SW (and for most of my social media). But I have replaced the standard Samsung keyboard with the GBoard app discussed above. GBoard is far superior to the Samsung Keyboard (and I'm generally a Samsung fan).
As mentioned by @DeWayfarer, just go to the Google Play store and look for GBoard. :)
I love the draft idea.💡Can't we just go back to the way the groups were before? It was so easy then. HEY...I was listening to Michael Jackson this St. Patrick's Day too!🎶💓🕺🍀
I just wanted to thank you for consolidating the groups. It was kind of bonkers that people would start new groups without seeing if there was already a group in the list that is the same. It takes a lot of time, just know that it's appreciated.
All the people appreciating the draft feature has got me thinking that people clearly put a lot more thought into their posts than I do 😂😂 you seem to be fixing problems I wasn’t even aware of lol. Happy Thursday to you 😊
I just went through this changed process Not sure it’s any less tedious now being on the backside rather than opting the selections before Just my thoughts
saved drafts feature is cool. the groups change sounds like it might be more user friendly. at least there's still the search option.
@Ryannnnnn The number of steps to submit a Post is exactly the same as before. If anything, this update *improved* the process of submitting a Post, as the system will now suggest relevant Groups based on what you typed, so you don't have to manually search for one.
it does not feel like you listen, When the system TRASHED hundreds of groups, and THOUSANDs of posts. the creativity of these works or at least there emotional content was precious. we did not thin we had to download favorite things because they would dissapear. Many of us complained bitterly often with admins being directly addressed in the posts. none of us got any response we do not feel heard. @Nuno
It's now all about being "woke," censorship and hidden comments. People come here because it used to be different from the other leftist authoritarian social media sites.
Quit imitating evil, stand up for truth and free speech. The world doesn't want what is being forced upon us.
Stop censoring and shadow banning posts. We are not as "woke" and stupid as you think we are.
People wish to be free, not part of the leftist conformist society which most social media sites are now forcing upon us all.
Stand up for freedom of speech, not the leftist totalitarian police state, which is part of the evil collective.
Get rid of the Leftist bots and then maybe you would get a true reading about who the real people are about here.