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What groups would you like to see reinstated? 👥

🪂 Hi Similar Worlds 🎉

As many of you know, we've been merging and reinstating many groups.

While the most popular groups should be covered, some of you may have old favorite groups that haven't been reinstated yet.

I'd like to ask you what old Groups you'd like to see reinstated.

And also, if there are new topics that aren't yet covered by any existing Group, feel free to suggest too :)

Topic > Category > Group 🎙️

We have recently restructured the way Groups work on Similar Worlds, to help reducing fragmentation (often times, there were +1000 groups on the same narrow topic) and help users finding more posts based on their interests (by us improving the Feeds, or users going directly to the category of their interest). We can, finally, soon start promoting and growing SW more. We did not want to promote a site that was so very disorganized and fragmented.

The organization consists in 3 levels:

📡 Topic - Broad general topics/areas
Example: Entertainment & Music

📺 Category - Slightly broad topics and interests, within a specific topic
Example: Entertainment & Music > Music

🎞️ Group - Very specific single subject
Example: Entertainment & Music > Music > The Beatles

How can you find Groups 🔎

You can find all Topics and Categories by pressing the [Topics] menu in the SW header, or by accessing this page: https://similarworlds.com/topics

To find Groups, you can either use the Search or by accessing the Associated Groups of a specific Category.

Example: Associated Groups under Music

Mute Groups 🔇

One of the most requested features by our Members is to be able to mute groups.

It wouldn't make sense for us to implement this feature, when there could be 1000's of groups of the same subject that users could post on. You may be muting several groups, but there could be many more that you may have missed.

However, with the Groups consolidated, it's much easier to block a specific subject that you aren't interested on. It is important that users post on the correct Category/Group, for this to work, and as respect to other users.

To Mute a Category, press this button in the Category page:

To Mute a Group, press the same button (worded "Mute/Report Group") in the Group page, and follow the same process.


Thank you for your support and we hope you continue to stay with us.

We are constantly listening to your suggestions, so please keep giving them to us, as they are very important to the future of Similar Worlds.

Very kind regards, 🧡
- The SW Team
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Gillian · 46-50, T
I seriously think you need to reevaluate the LGBTQ group. There is only one main group left and not everyone will identify or fit into such a broad category.

You need to look at not only the groups that were posted in the most but also at how the groups were used before. Many of us used them as a community for support and encouragement as was the original intention of this site.

Having one broad group where there is no distinction and where anyone can just post and talk about anything does border on discrimination and I don't think that's what you want.
@Gillian I agree. I'm straight, somewhere between monogamous and poly, attracted to both sexes. How I choose is my own. I'm not sure why these groups need to be limited.

One more edit, I remember an Internet where users just created the content, I found it much healthier, of course I probably didn't see somethings then, where this muffling of content only creates boundaries.

Excellent advice

This is one of the more succinct examples of the damage the ill-conceived group consolidation has done!

The repairs Gillian requests can be prioritized over any of my concerns ... and should be corrected immediately.

To marginalize an entire community into a few "labels" is insulting.

My Beer, sports, milkshake, coffee and boating losses can wait.

My apologies Gillian, that we stood by idlely while all that was bulldozed.
adorbz · 26-30, F
@Gillian yeah. There’s room for every sexuality and identity in their own groups now without all the weird fetishisation that was on them on the EP groups. And they can easily be subcategories of an LGBTQ category. At least all the ones on the profile sexuality settings anyway but there are more than those to add when space isn’t an issue. We should make a list 👀
@adorbz Why did SW filter out those groups? Has to be a fair question. Human sexuality and connection is not a simple topic, thus why many groups existed.
Nuno · Admin
@Gillian Here it goes.

If I missed something or something is incorrect, please let me know.

Gender Fluid

Non-Binary & Genderqueer




Transsexual & Transgender

Crossdressing & Transvestite









Please look at these Associated Groups:


adorbz · 26-30, F
@Nuno yooooooo this is excellent! Supernuno 🦸‍♂️ Thanks so much 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
@Nuno Stll doesn't fit my preferences.. I am far from curious, yet attracted to both sexes, while I will only entertain one. I won't be alone there.

I appreciate though, the attempt. But I really do prefer an idea where users can mesh and create their own groups, as there is almost infinite circumstances
Nuno · Admin
@SW-User What is the Group you'd like to have then?
@Nuno I honestly don't know, but if I could add one into sexuality it would be about experimentation, curiosity, and exploration. When we categorize we miss too much
Gillian · 46-50, T
@SW-User @questionWeaver @adorbz thank you all for the support and comments. I know I am just one person who belongs to a very niche group, but if something does bother me, I do feel the need to speak up. Especially when I and others have worked so hard to make our little communities and groups not only a safe place for ourselves but also a place where whe can inform, promote and talk about who and what we are without being segregated and stereotyped. I can only speak for myself so I am really happy that others have chosen to speak up too.

@Nuno thank you for reinstating the various groups. I know each community will really appreciate it, even if they don't show it. And like I said, I am only one person and only fit into a couple of categories so I can't speak for everyone. It looks like you've covered most of them, but I hope whoever feels like they have been overlooked will speak up too. So thank you again.
@Nuno https://similarworlds.com/6650328-I-Am-Heteroflexible
Nuno · Admin
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON https://similarworlds.com/lgbtq/heteroflexible