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πŸ’‘πŸŽ“ Solve this Puzzle to Win $100 USD! πŸ†πŸ’°

🌟 Best Wishes to Everyone! πŸ™
SW Staff is sharing a small Gift 🎁
& Fun Game 🎲 for the Holidays! πŸŽ„

πŸŽ“ Solve this Puzzle to Win $100 USD! πŸ’°

πŸ₯‡ 1st ($50) = Solve Puzzle's "Secret" πŸ‘β€πŸ—¨
πŸ₯ˆ 2nd ($35) = Find the Most "Puzzle Words" πŸ”
πŸ₯‰ 3rd ($15) = Comment only the β€œPrize Word” (x3 Tries) 🎊

[ πŸ’‘ Promoting Thinking πŸŽ“ ]

πŸ’΅ Payment via PayPal, Bitcoin/Crypto, other methods.

2020 was a tough year for many,
but always remember...

Your Mindset & Actions,
more than anything, is what shapes Your Future. ✨

Kind regards, and Best Wishes to everyone, for the year ahead! πŸ‘ πŸ™‚
-SW Staff

Update (Jan 10th, 2021):

⚠️ Puzzle Hint ⁉️

Please remember:
Keep Safe, stay Positive, be Blessed, this 2021!
Like your Thoughts & Actions …

"Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and
multiplying I will multiply thee. (Heb 6:14)"

… your Words too, have Power.
Share this good word of prosperity to all! πŸ˜‡
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Viper Β· M
The secret is one of the follows or this game is a fraud! :P ;) jk :D

abore courtesies
acetose boursier
aerobes citreous
aerobes outcries
aerobus coteries
aerobus esoteric
aerobuses erotic
aerobuses tercio
ariosto berceuse
barricoes outsee
basecourt soiree
berceuse ariosto
bertie rosaceous
bescour etaerios
bescour oresteia
bescours etaerio
bier ostreaceous
boater sericeous
boatie recourses
boatie resources
boaties recourse
boaties resource
boeotia rescuers
boeotia securers
booster causerie
bootee curarises
bootees curarise
booteries causer
booteries cesura
booteries saucer
booties ecraseur
borate sericeous
bourree sociates
bourrees sociate
bourse esoterica
boursier acetose
boursier coatees
boursiers coatee
brie ostreaceous
broose cauteries
broose cauterise
caribou eroteses
caseose roburite
causer booteries
causerie booster
causerie reboots
causeries reboot
cauteries broose
cauterise broose
cereous sabotier
cesura booteries
cesurae robotise
citreous aerobes
coatee boursiers
coatees boursier
cooees turbaries
corbeau erotesis
corbie euroseats
corbies euroseat
coteries aerobus
courtesies abore
creasote ourebis
creasotes ourebi
curarise bootees
curarises bootee
ebriose outraces
ecraseur booties
eroica tuberoses
eroteses caribou
erotesis corbeau
erotic aerobuses
erotica suberose
erubescite roosa
esoteric aerobus
esoterica bourse
etaerio bescours
etaerio obscures
etaerios bescour
etaerios obscure
euroseat corbies
euroseats corbie
obscure etaerios
obscure oresteia
obscures etaerio
obsecrates ourie
orbier setaceous
oresteia bescour
oresteia obscure
ostreaceous bier
ostreaceous brie
ourebi creasotes
ourebis creasote
ourie obsecrates
outcries aerobes
outrace soberise
outraces ebriose
outsee barricoes
rebato sericeous
rebite rosaceous
reboot causeries
reboots causerie
recourse boaties
recourses boatie
rescuers boeotia
resource boaties
resources boatie
rioter sebaceous
robotise cesurae
roburite caseose
roosa erubescite
rosaceous bertie
rosaceous rebite
sabotier cereous
saucer booteries
scoriae tuberose
sebaceous rioter
securers boeotia
sericeous boater
sericeous borate
sericeous rebato
setaceous orbier
soberise outrace
sociate bourrees
sociates bourree
soiree basecourt
suberose erotica
tercio aerobuses
tuberose scoriae
tuberoses eroica
turbaries cooees
adorbz Β· 26-30, F
@Viper I hope it’s resource boaties or erotic aerobuses 🀣🀣

lol imagine if it was 🀣🀣 we’d have a right to be mad then
Viper Β· M
@adorbz that's why I've wondered from the start, I didn't think anyone had a chance without a freaking clue which direction to go... and I thought he'd actually give us helpful hints, but nope.
adorbz Β· 26-30, F
@Viper πŸ€ͺyes. What made you think your way of deciding which letters to turn into anagrams was the right one? I’m confused how you got them tbh
Viper Β· M
@adorbz I just thought the repeating letters in the puzzle looked too odd to be on accident... so I took all the repeating letters in all three directions that we could find the words.

And then letter his "hint" talked about multiplying... which made me think, I MIGHT be onto something... or I could be totally off...
Butterflykisses24 Β· 51-55, F
@Viper what about multiplying the number of gifts, the sleds, and the elves.
Viper Β· M
@Butterflykisses24 I'm unsure... but I don't see how the gifts, sleds and elves fit into the clue. I thought it was just to look pretty and cool.
Butterflykisses24 Β· 51-55, F
I'm unsure Either But Rtv is the word with those letters.Who knows maybe it could be the secret.So secret Rtv
Viper Β· M
@Butterflykisses24 rtv? What is that?
Butterflykisses24 Β· 51-55, F
@Viper I don't know maybe Voter.
Butterflykisses24 Β· 51-55, F
I wrote what about multiplying the number of the sled gifts and the elves. @Viper
Viper Β· M
@Butterflykisses24 Yup! You nailed that clue! And I did as you said, but I couldn't understand how 400 fit into it.

But you were perfect in that clue!