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Here are some things you can do to help make eating and drinking easier and more comfortable if you experience difficulties.

Before eating:
• Eat when you feel fully awake and alert
• If you wear dentures at meal times, make sure they fit well
• Make yourself comfortable
• Sit in an upright position
• Small, frequent meals may be easier.
During eating:
• You should be able to reach your meal, drink and cutlery comfortably
• Try not to talk and eat at the same time as this can sometimes cause
difficulty with swallowing
• Allow as much time as you need for your meal
• Allow time between each mouthful
• Slow and relaxed eating is best
• Reduce all distractions around you to help you to concentrate.
If someone is helping you with your meals or drinks they should:
• Sit at the same height as you so you can maintain your posture
• Give you time in between mouthfuls to swallow before giving
you more food.
After eating:
• Try to remain upright for 20 – 30 minutes after eating
• Check your mouth is empty. Remove any food that may be left.
helenS · 36-40, F
Why would I want to remain "upright" for half an hour after eating?
That meal looks excellent by the way. 😋
moustafaabdelhady · 26-30, M
@helenS thanks bro♥️
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.

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