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Budwick · 70-79, M
give away 40 billion of peoples’ money (taxes)
That's $1 dollar for every illegal vote Biden got!
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@InHeaven They have been counted several times now.
InHeaven · F
Who told you that?@Thewhazzupdude CNN?
@InHeaven Facebook? Qanon?
Can you explain me the difference with all the wars America started in Irak or Korea or Vietnam?
@InHeaven You are a Putin troll. Go back to the Kremlin
InHeaven · F
I am not from Kremlin and never been there@Thewhazzupdude so your going “back” to it makes as much sense as “ALL” legal votes. Zero. Bye
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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
81 million voters
InHeaven · F
The dead man votes 😄@MrBrownstone