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Booster...France every three months, Italy every four months...

Do you still not see what is coming ??
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Well here is a song that says it all

ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
@nedkelly awesome video and of course.. song.
scalenemaia · 36-40, F
According to one of my friends, who is a biomedical scientist, she gives it 10 years before we get back to something like normality. Based on her work with the SARS virus...
scalenemaia · 36-40, F
@InHeaven Covid is a variant of the SARS virus. Durr... We need a pandemic, a real one, to deal with the massive OVER-POPULATION of the planet. 25% left alive would be better for the Earth...
@scalenemaia Wake up ffs!
@scalenemaia We will never “Get back to normal” this is it, the New World Order and make no mistake, it’s not a conspiracy theory, go to stopworldcontrol.com and you will learn what it’s all about and how long it’s been coming
JT123 · M
Yes I do. Destroyed immune systems!!!
Fairydust · F
Worlds gone crazy! 😏
@Fairydust Yep. It's you and me against the world Fairy. Let's get married
Fairydust · F
@SW-User let’s not!!
lol trying to get rid of the last one 🚷🤣
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
Whatever keeps the devil off my back!
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
not worried about it the vax did not bother me much, boosters either.

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