Why Generation X had a lot of attractive hip people? Not being mean but most of the generations after them look mentally challenged Post Comment Receive notifications Add a comment...
Well. I'm one step away now. I've accepted the offer from the university.This is my backup. Now all I have to do is get a distinction grade in the final unit of the diploma I'm currently working on. Once that final hurdle is passed, I've achieved something ludicrous. I've known about this offer for more than a... See More » (2)
I got the results from a law aptitude test I did back in OctoberIt's a relatively difficult test of your deductive reasoning skills. Not bad. The best I did while practicing was a 33 which was more than enough for the university I was aiming for. Still, it's one thing to do it in practice and another to... See More » (1)
I study a lot but fail anywaySo i donno why that happens but i learn so much for my math exams, and while learning i do understand the topics enough to even pass. I also go to a private teacher who explains me all the stuff. But even then i cannot pass math. I do stupid... See More »
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