Serenitree · F
All I ever wanted to be from my earliest recollections, was a mom. A great mom , like mine.
I got to be a mom. Not as great as mine, but I did the best I knew how.
Nov. 1/16
2:35 am
I got to be a mom. Not as great as mine, but I did the best I knew how.
Nov. 1/16
2:35 am
AwakeAndDreaming · 26-30, F
that's real sweet. sometimes I want to be like Professor X and just adopt/foster a horde of children
Serenitree · F
@AwakeAndDreaming: I had four kids and was a child care provider to a lot of others. Even when I was busy with my house cleaning business, I found time to look after children too.
Nov. 1/16
2:43 am
Nov. 1/16
2:43 am
wudifu · 46-50, M
fighter pilot or a teacher
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
I always wanted to be a pastor but I even grew up about this dream: I became a social worker - for me the more effective job! :-D
Queenly · 31-35, F
A musician or a teacher. I ended up being the latter.

I can't remember
AlmightyLoad · 26-30
An army soldier