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Heyitsme · 31-35, F
Let's say you use the "lie of attraction" and you get results so you start believing in it. But let's say you randomly start getting bad thoughts. The bad thoughts will become reality. So don't buy into it. We humans can't control everything no matter how hard. It takes hardwork and effort not "magic" that's an excuse for people who don't want to put in the work.
You no need to be religious for practice the law of attraction! Just visualize that you already working in your dream job...soon it attracts the right company and you will get it💐 🙂
BraveAngel · 36-40, F
Thanks for the encouragement!!! I am doing it!
@BraveAngel: Ok!
SWisGoingWoke · M
It's all about contacts. Go to meetings, parties, receptions, job fairs. Chat up anyone that will talk to you. Arrive early and stay late.
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