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Grateful4you · M
A world in balance ensuring all life forms are in prime homeostasis, that there are vanguards ever watchful for our delicate wonder of the forest canopy which provides so much to nourish not only our incredible rain forest but supplies Hydrogen and Oxygen replenishing the worlds waters and the pure, sweet air all living things need to breathe. A world in balance where all people are viewed as equal in value each with a gift to bring all living sisters and brothers. Where no tribe seeks to rise above another. A world where the only function of a government is to follow the wishes of all tribes and all people, man, woman, even the child must be heard and respected. A council of men and women in equal numbers shall deem both the power and the limitations of the govenrment. Ensuring above all things,the dignity, respect, and the will to seek happiness of everyone of every tribe in whatever territory or country. No one's wealth or needs shall be in excess of his/brother/sister or family member.
It shall be decreed to never forget the old world ways which through insatiable greed for wealth and for power caused the downfall of the old world civilization.
A mind thought in harmony and perfect balance with out dogma,religious creed or some omnipotent God or all powerful unseen force that should magically rule, these ideas destroyed the old world. Every man/woman/child/ may seek a greater, higher understanding but this must never be imposed against the will of another human being. All animals are to be treated with kindness, respect, and love, if an animal must be killed for food we honor it first with our gratititude for the sustenance. Culling of animals will happen in the fall of each years and then only contingent on need.Courts of law will follow a siilar model as the old world except that Public defenders, Privately hired lawyers will all receive the same pay. Extra moneys collected by the courts will be evenly distributed.
The inherent right to pursue happiness shall be expressed through art, music, dance, parties and sppecial holidays suggested by the peole to the government courts. The highest commander in chief will be elected by the people, the old world electoral college has been dismantled. This commander shall operate under the guidance of both government houses and not serve in excess of a two year period.
May all people walk in peace without fear or malice of any other neighbor
No instrument of harm will be carried by any man/woman/child/unless under the most extreme duress decreed by both houses of governent. The Commander shall wwork in concert with both house of government if bias to one house over the other the Commander is immediately removed and considered by the people and government if indeed impeachment shall be imposed.
May all who walk this humble global village walk with a song and a smile.
It shall be decreed to never forget the old world ways which through insatiable greed for wealth and for power caused the downfall of the old world civilization.
A mind thought in harmony and perfect balance with out dogma,religious creed or some omnipotent God or all powerful unseen force that should magically rule, these ideas destroyed the old world. Every man/woman/child/ may seek a greater, higher understanding but this must never be imposed against the will of another human being. All animals are to be treated with kindness, respect, and love, if an animal must be killed for food we honor it first with our gratititude for the sustenance. Culling of animals will happen in the fall of each years and then only contingent on need.Courts of law will follow a siilar model as the old world except that Public defenders, Privately hired lawyers will all receive the same pay. Extra moneys collected by the courts will be evenly distributed.
The inherent right to pursue happiness shall be expressed through art, music, dance, parties and sppecial holidays suggested by the peole to the government courts. The highest commander in chief will be elected by the people, the old world electoral college has been dismantled. This commander shall operate under the guidance of both government houses and not serve in excess of a two year period.
May all people walk in peace without fear or malice of any other neighbor
No instrument of harm will be carried by any man/woman/child/unless under the most extreme duress decreed by both houses of governent. The Commander shall wwork in concert with both house of government if bias to one house over the other the Commander is immediately removed and considered by the people and government if indeed impeachment shall be imposed.
May all who walk this humble global village walk with a song and a smile.
in10RjFox · M
A world where money & love flows freely, where nobody need to starve for it...

A compassionate, empathetic world.
bijouxbroussard · F
@SW-User Gawd, yes. I could not express it better.

@bijouxbroussard Thank you. I think it never hurts to hope.
InterstellarButterfly · 26-30, F
A world where people think about consequences.
We can't continue to abuse this world and expect it to continue to provide for us forever. It's utterly depressing learning about what we have done to this planet, and I think it's already too far gone to fix.
Too many people don't care, too many heads of state are ignorant, too much money is being made on irrelevance.
My generation and the next are paying the price.
We can't continue to abuse this world and expect it to continue to provide for us forever. It's utterly depressing learning about what we have done to this planet, and I think it's already too far gone to fix.
Too many people don't care, too many heads of state are ignorant, too much money is being made on irrelevance.
My generation and the next are paying the price.

Not this one. But I don't have much of a choice in the matter
One with no humans. Perfection. No problems.
anything that benefit me a lot

@YukikoAmagi what benefits?
@SW-User lot of money without effort

@YukikoAmagi I want that too. 😅

One where I don't have to drive further out of town each year to find wilderness.
More gardens less plastic
Because i love plants and hate garbage
Because i love plants and hate garbage
Peaceful · F
One of true connection and vibrational frequency. Imagine...🤔
Reflection2 · M
Less people around with more trees.

No borders. No armies. Democracy in the workplace. Democracy at home. Democracy in the streets. No politicians in site. No toiling to live. Just toiling to live.
NyaNya · 26-30, F
A world without any judgements. A world that isn't unfair. A world that is for everyone, that doesn't care about one's caste, creed, colour or gender.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
I don't particularly have a preference

No World I have seen so much