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AndresBecerra · 36-40, M
Live for yourself.... what about your loved ones. Arent they more real?

rickfreeman15 · 22-25, M
I believe in God but a deistic, impersonal god that doesn't interfere with the physical universe.

Btw, what you're doing is called 'Pascal's Wager' but its fallacious because there's not only one belief system, the Christians aren't afraid of Muslim hell, or Jewish hell, or any other religion's hell because they don't believe in those gods either. Since there are about 5,000 different religion, the difference between a Christian and an Atheist is that the former doesn't believe in in 4,999 while the latter doesn't believe in all 5,000.

In the expanded Pascal's Wager which was done purely statistically and factored in all religions with a significant percentage, it was found that "Good deeds" gave you the best chance of ending up in a decent place after death. It ranked above every other religion. Kind of interesting, don't youbthink?
rickfreeman15 · 22-25, M
@TheExorcist Alrighty sir
CuddleFeesh · 31-35, M
@rickfreeman15 that's a very good answer. Why perform said good deeds? Because its necessary? Becauseyou like the feel of it?
rickfreeman15 · 22-25, M
@CuddleFeesh well first of all humans are social animals and I consider 'good deeds' to refer to anything that benefits another human without harming anyone else. I think we need to do them because that's the only way (in my opinion) that we can progress as a race. And yeah, because it feels good lol. It also has the added advantage of being the optimal 'religion' to guarantee you a decent afterlife (if there is an afterlife)

(Sorry I don't have the link to the full article on quora but I saved this attached image)
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
god already doesn't exist to me and im good.. I don't need that kind of comfort in my life
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
what are those twists?
CuddleFeesh · 31-35, M
@PlumBerries if I'm wrong and there is something after, not necessarily heaven or paradise, then maybe what I do in life will matter and a make a difference.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@CuddleFeesh but even without a afterlife what you do with your life matters and will make a difference to the people all around you
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@CuddleFeesh An ignorant man can survive but an enlightened man can live to the fullest
CuddleFeesh · 31-35, M
@TheRascallyOne ok I've given up on you. You're not understanding the point of all of this
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Non believers have more In fact to live for, there's no redemption, no forgiveness, no second chance, life is here and now, what you do as consequences now. And we have every thing to live for now.

I don't need imaginary friends Im okay with real ones. ☺
Belladonna · 41-45, F
Music, family, friends, overcast days, crisp nights, simply for the joy of living in and of itself... I can't express... there's just... so much here.
CuddleFeesh · 31-35, M
@Belladonna best answer so far
Why would you need God at all to make your life have purpose? Do you really need a purpose handed to you, like a computer and it's programming? Are you incapable of finding your own reason?

To answer the question...

Were I to not believe in God ( I don't, anyhow ) I like to think that I would continue to do my best, like I do now, to make this life as good and... well... less full of senseless, purposeless suffering as I can. Be ashamed to die without having won some victory for humanity, say I. One does not need God to be good. Kindness for kindness own sake will ad has and continues to do more good than centuries of prayer EVER will. Period.

Being pious is all well and good. Be as pious as you please, if it please ye. But piety in the pews without a honest love for your brothers and sisters in worse situations than yours is rampant hypocrisy. You may pray and tithe and all that good stuff, but if you deliberately treat your lessers like, well, lesser than you, then St. Peter will still deny you entry passt yon pearly gates.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
My list tends to change but I have several reasons for continuing to live at any given time. I need to see how Game of Thrones ends. I need to outlive Trump. My dog would be devastated if I weren't around.

Of course you're asking about life purposes. I don't especially have one and feel pretty comfortable with that.

Let me ask you a question. As a theist, what do you live for? What special purpose does believing in a god give you that atheists lack?
CuddleFeesh · 31-35, M
@Doomflower yus. Grew up mormon. Hated it, never really was for me. Something in my life pushed me over the edge and now tada! Heathen tothe core
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@CuddleFeesh kewl! I was never Mormon but I am familiar enough with Mormon doctrine to understand why it almost certainly isn't true.

Do you have an entry about that event that pushed you? I would be fascinated to read it.
CuddleFeesh · 31-35, M
@Doomflower nah. Besides this post I dont post much anymore but I'll tell ya if you want
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CuddleFeesh · 31-35, M
Thank you guys. Most of you have given very good answers which gives me a little more hope for humanity. A few of you however just dont get it. Which is to be expected
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I guess without the belief of an eternal after life you would make the upmost of every day. Because that is all you get.
Uh nothing. I’ll continue to live my life.
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Most people who claim to believe in god actually live for other things anyway imo
KidAzazel · 26-30
Literally anything else 😂😂
I'd move onto Glob.
CuddleFeesh · 31-35, M
@SpaceCreature not an answer but hey, how goes it

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