MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Why spend real money to buy fake money?
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Boobiegrower · 31-35, F
@humongous what a brilliant, and rationally thought out plan.
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Boobiegrower · 31-35, F
@humongous so, you're upset because you lost money, and sold at the wrong time. Same happens in the stock market.
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Boobiegrower · 31-35, F
@humongous crypto is not, yet.
All this Bitcoin stuff makes me laugh - the people who are in Bitcoin always try to get more people involved because that's how Bitcoin CAN become successful - there's limited supply - so the more people involved, the greater the demand, the more the price goes up.
I noticed good old bitcoin is continuing its fall! You may have to change the title of this to 'who got out just in time'! @Boobiegrower
Boobiegrower · 31-35, F
@Chrisy1 why do you have to be so mean?
Sorry - i'll try and be a bit more neutral, its just that those who had a go with bitcoin were very negative at those who didn't when it was going up, calling people all sorts of names and assuming they were all stupid - the shoe is on the other foot now.
I don't mean to have a go at you specifically or anything, sometimes it's just general comments I make!@Boobiegrower
I don't mean to have a go at you specifically or anything, sometimes it's just general comments I make!@Boobiegrower
badass · 18-21, M
I'm rich enough
YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
By 2020 bitcoins will be worth a million dollars each
Boobiegrower · 31-35, F
@YouCanCallMeDan highly improbable, but I like the positivity
Buy some ripple or Litecoin instead. It’s still cheap enough to not lose your shirt if you buy some...
Boobiegrower · 31-35, F
@Notmesam I definitely understand that. That's one reason why I waited until after the double digits percentage drops ended, to get into it.
@Boobiegrower Ya if I’m going to get into something that volatile and unpredictable I’m going to make sure I’m only risking every little..
Boobiegrower · 31-35, F
That's what I figured. I don't think $150 is that much. Especially when I make it back after 10 days, if I don't decide to reinvest
FishingTech · 36-40, M
Even though its not fast anymore, my miners are still running.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Pass!!!! No... Really.. Pass!!!!
Boobiegrower · 31-35, F
@whowasthatmaskedman what is the point of this response
FurryFace · 61-69, M
i have no idea how that works , but i do know the Banks don't like it and they usually rule with an Iron fist
Boobiegrower · 31-35, F
@FurryFace you are mostly right. The big banks hate it, but those are the same corporations that charge you to be poor. There are some smaller banks that are on board, and using cryptocurrency to their advantage.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Boobiegrower · 31-35, F
@sighmeupforthat I really like your name