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Do you believe in the law of attraction?

frequentlyme · 70-79, M
I believe it is a possibility; but only that. It can focus you; but not guarantee the exact outcome.
Irishgirl1605 · 36-40, F
@frequentlyme I think it’s takes practice to achieve the workings of the law of attraction , it has workded for me in the past and quite quickly but now I have a big task
Ahead of me and will require focus 24/7 and intent . I will follow the teachings of Abraham Hicks !
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@Irishgirl1605 Makes sense... if you have a big task, then it makes sense to find a way to accomplish your goal. I'm all for and support anyone who wants to achieve a goal, so if it works for you, go for it! Just don't forget to smell the roses along the way - for me, life is just too precious to miss out on all the little things along the way, and following any single path isn't for me. I do wish you the best of luck... or the best that the law of attraction can offer.
Irishgirl1605 · 36-40, F
@frequentlyme thank
You very much 😃
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
I dunno. Do you think the toddlers who have been raped and killed--and worse--were just thinking the wrong thoughts?

Things just happen. The universe is chaos. Bad shit happens to good people, and innocent creatures. Bad shit just happens.

The only thing positive thinking will do is blind you to the potential of bad things happening. Focusing on the silver lining is apt to get you drenched in self-deception.
mlihere · 56-60, M
I am trying to get my life to go the right way. I pray to God everyday, but nothing has panned out so far. I have tried the Law of Attraction practice but I can't keep it up for long. I feel so frustrated. I don't know what to believe.
Footballstar · 26-30, M
Well its sort of proven science isn't it? Not really something you can choose to believe or not
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Repete · 61-69, M
Of course i do I'm a law abiding citizen. That's my story and I think I'm sticking to it
Yes. Just can't get it to work for me. Lol.
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I wonder what is the law?
spititout · 22-25, F
whats that
To some extend.

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