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How is it possible?

I went to a mall last night where in the 2nd floor they've arranged an arm wrestling game where you have to pay 500 INR(6 USD) to compete.There were two professionals-one man and a woman and the person defeating the man will earn 1000 INR(12 USD) and defeating the woman will earn 750 INR(9 USD).You will be given 7 minutes to arm wrestle with any of the two of your choice to a maximum of 3 times with each.For each victory you will win the mentioned money.Though I didn't participate I stood there and saw some matches.To my surprise,as far as the matches I saw only one person won(that too only against that woman) and the rest folded up within first 2 minutes and didn't even try their subsequent chances provided.Noteable moment was this very muscular man who competed in arm wrestling.When compared to him both the man and the woman who were pros looked skinny and weak,yet both of them won against him in all their matches.How's that? Literally this muscular guy's fist covered the entirety of that woman's hand and 3/4 th of that man's hand while he competed and still somehow they both came on top.
Any ideas?So arm wrestling is not fully about strength then?
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
The winner is usually chosen before hand. Those things are always rigged.
I've seen skinny guys win against big ones..
Hold position
Monalisaa1986 · 36-40, F
he being paid to lose that's why some in competitions that happens
tamilguy · M
@Monalisaa1986 What?Are you sure?
Monalisaa1986 · 36-40, F
@tamilguy why else would a big strong man lose against skinny people
tamilguy · M
@Monalisaa1986 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

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