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I Like Chess

Besides the queen (and obviously the king) which do you feel is the most valuable chess piece, overall. Yes I am aware that they all have unique abilities, however is there one in particular you just hate being taken?
Pfuzylogic · M
The general rule is that knights are better in closed positions where a lot of pawns are locked up; bishops control open positions where pawns are not blocking diagonals.
Sometimes I will start the game with my "horse", but have no real feelings for that piece. Hehehe. Neigh,
Yes! I would hate to lose my castle (rook) more than the others.
Reason for question: Am currently playing someone who is left with just two bishops & I am left with two rooks.
I believe I am going to win.
Rayy79 · 41-45, M
the rook is more powerful, but i like to target and manipulate with the bishop
Rayy79 · 41-45, M
i wouldnt play around to much longer and just end it, you dont want to accidentally stalemate him.
He will not resign. Should only take 1 or 2 more moves now.
Rayy79 · 41-45, M
blood in the water... end it
firefall · 61-69, M
CereBellum: yes, I think rooks are generally deemed more powerful than bishops, and - absent other information - I'd feel pretty happy facing 2 bishops with 2 rooks
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
actually the pawns are the most valuable. keep as many as you can without them inhibiting the moves from the more superior pieces.

you may need those pawns later.
Northwest · M
You have the power to retreat, and then keep pushing his pieces one column over, making sure he remains in check, to prevent his bishops from crippling you
You're correct. Game is taking forever. Keep putting him in check, only for him to move one away. Check again, same thing. Something has got to give real soon
Pfuzylogic · M
Be careful not to get your rooks pinned , both bishops can present a hazard but yes you have a strong advantage!
Pfuzylogic · M
Never trade away the mating piece. That is why Queens are sacrificed. It means nothing until the opponents King is checkmated.
Northwest · M
I usually lead with my knights, my infantry provides a retreat channel, when one is needed
firefall · 61-69, M
Rooks over knights over bishops - if I sacrifice or swap, I'm most likely to lose a bishop for preference
Northwest · M
My knights. With two rooks left, it is whether or not you will win, it's how many moves.
Pretty much any of them I hate being taken.. I haven't played in ages tho
I have always loved my knights. Hate to give them up.
missit15 · 56-60, M
castles (rooks) hate losing those...
Squizz5 · 51-55, M
I like my horses

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