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Warhammer 40k

Just another pointless rant, so tune out now if you don't care. Right, I am very disappointed with the way the 40k property has been handled as far as video games are concerned. Haven't followed the tabletop since 3rd edition, so I can't speak for that, but I can say very firmly that the video game side of it has been handled very poorly. The only time it had anybody who cared behind making any of the games was when Relic was the only developer allowed to touch the license. That was a great time, despite the fact that in all reality, all we got were Dawn of War (Vanilla, Winter Assault, Dark Crusade, and Soulstorm), Dawn of War 2 (Vanilla, Chaos Rising, and Retribution), and Space Marine.

Now, I'm not saying that they were the most accurate to the lore or anything like that, but you could tell that the people who made them were people who actually liked 40k and were also competent developers. Since THQ got shut down and the 40k license got opened up to anyone who wanted to develop video games using it, we have had all sorts of absolute trash come out for it. Loads of lane defense or poorly designed strategy games that were pumped out with little to no effort. The only ones that seem like they have had any effort put into them that have come out are Eternal Crusade and Space Hulk Deathwing. Only problem with those games is the simple fact that the developers behind them were not experienced and bit off way more than they could chew. I enjoyed what I played of Eternal Crusade, but it needs loads of work before it can possibly be something that is recommended to people. I didn't even get to play Space Hulk Deathwing because it was so poorly optimized that it wouldn't even run on my rig. I know that sounds like I don't know what I'm talking about, however when I have a rig that can run The Witcher 3, Ghost Recon Wildlands, and almost any other game that I own on the highest settings with no problems whatsoever and your game chugs because you don't know how to develop with the Unreal 4 engine, that isn't my fault, it's the developer's.

On the subject of Space Hulk Deathwing, I have to say, that was the most disappointing game for me since Brink. I normally don't buy into hype anymore because of how disappointing Brink was, but I have a soft spot for 2 things: Deadpool and Warhammer 40k. The Deadpool game did not disappoint me, so when I saw Deathwing stuff start popping up, I let myself get excited and was super pumped for the game to come out. When it did, I was beyond disappointed because of how poorly it ran and how broken the online was in the sense that there were all sorts of connection issues that made in almost unplayable online. Oh well though, I guess that's what I get for buying into the hype again.

I really want to see more good games come out of the 40k license because there is so much they could do. I haven't touched Dawn of War 3 yet simply because I don't have the cash for it yet, but I also don't know that I want to. It looks very stream-lined and that isn't really what I look for in RTS games. That isn't to say that it is bad by default, just not the game for me. Another good thing is that Space Hulk Deathwing is getting the attention it needs and being patched very regularly to try and work through the optimization issues, but that doesn't excuse the state it was in at launch, which it was charging $40. Eternal Crusade is also slowly getting fleshed out more and more, however it seems to bee coming along at an incredibly slow pace, which kind of sucks. I remember getting so excited about the original premise for it. "Planetside 2, but in 40k!" That sounded pretty awesome, but it has now been chopped down to just 32-64 player battles on decent sized maps. Not the end of the world, but also nowhere near the original pitch.

Well, that was a lot more scatter brained than I initially intended it to be, but oh well. Hopefully you got something out of this by reading it and if not, oh well, not my problem. Have a good day.
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MagentaMentality · 31-35, F
The videogames have been wodely ignored because the table top is about to drop a huge new edition that will basically give certain races tactical advantages over the others. They arw also expanding the space marine's power and adding a few boons and whatnot as well as whole new rule books for everyone. So um yeah... the videogames is ignored because they've spent for-freaking-ever releasing this new edition. I think it's like 6th or 7th or something. My friends haven't shut up about it for weeks.
AnInfamousDerka · 31-35, M
@MagentaMentality: Video game developers are completely separate from the guys at Gamesworkshop. Even if GW has been working on a new edition, video game developers like Relic and anyone else who develops 40k video games would be unaffected by GW being tied up with a new edition rule book. Plus, this problem with 40k games can be traced back to when 40k video games first started being made.
MagentaMentality · 31-35, F
@AnInfamousDerka: I wasn't talkimg about the developers. I was talking about funding coming down from the head haunchos. They decide which version to put more resources into and which version to allocate the best people to. The tabletop sells a bit better due to all of the pieces required for actual play and thereore it is the more lucrative of the two. Hence, more funding is put into ensuring that version is developed with the best people and with the fanbase's wishes in mind. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
AnInfamousDerka · 31-35, M
@MagentaMentality: No need to apologize, I'm not angry or upset because you have a different perspective lol.
The problem with your point though is the fact that the funding isn't from GW. They are completely separate from the people who fund and green light the video games. All they do is give permission to use the license for a video game. They don't oversee or fund them and the people who fund the video games are not the same people who would be funding GW to make the new edition. They are completely separate markets with separate funders.
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
yawn... boring
AnInfamousDerka · 31-35, M
@TheCoolestCat: Eh, I get that a lot.
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
i used to play warhammer though good game but it takes fuckin ages
AnInfamousDerka · 31-35, M
@TheCoolestCat: Indeed they do.

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