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Ok folks, i don't wanna beg, but it might be fun (for me) if ...

... you do book or film recommendations, if i have it, i'll vocaroo them, however i reserve the right to not do it even if i do have it if it conflicts too majorly with my environment. .... Now not all at once, reply even when this post is old.

bookerdana · M
Don't beg,man,ya lose street cred🤨!!!!!

Julia,Tilda Swinton ,2008
bookerdana · M
@Jarffff I'm not a grey area guy,like the hokey pokey I put my whole self in..the first TS film I saw was Female Perversions on you tube and as I believe a great actor can lift a ~meh~ film so she elevates every film she has been in
Jarffff · 46-50
@bookerdana My Glitterbox set is downstairs, i might get it soon and do a v. of Wittgenstein, that's the DJ film i wish to see next, such a quirky smart and humane film, i seen Female Perversions too when i had cable in my own room, i feel it's in the same area as Gia.

psssst -- I'm gonna do a horror classic just now.
bookerdana · M
@Jarffff The Last man on Earth is on you tube,a personal classic
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I choose Cube from 1997

It's a pretty cool little cosmic horror flick
Jarffff · 46-50
@caPnAhab Dang, don't have that one, but i have The Cell, do you like that one?
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
@Jarffff Oh I started that one, but didn't finish it.
Not because I thought it was boring but because

Well I can't ever finish anything

I like the look it has, I should try again someday

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