AceWarbringer · 41-45, M
Question? Have you ever tried Factorio?
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AceWarbringer · 41-45, M
@Amanda422 computer game. RTS. You control a civilization in the galaxy. Object is to build fight and win.
Many many dlc. Its really not a cheap game.
Many many dlc. Its really not a cheap game.
Amanda422 · 36-40, F
@AceWarbringer sounds like age of empires in space
AceWarbringer · 41-45, M
@Amanda422 pretty much. It takes a long time to play through a session.
zachking330 · 18-21, M
What's the final review? If you remember it well enough lol
zachking330 · 18-21, M
@Amanda422 It gives me Ori and the Blind Forest vibes. I saw a post that goes like "sometimes I don't complete games because I don't want the journey to end", maybe that's you. I don't complete games because I'm lazy and have an insane backlog lol.
Amanda422 · 36-40, F
@zachking330 i just have too many games. I get distracted and also as an adult it's hard to really just commit to a game like that
zachking330 · 18-21, M
@Amanda422 Yeah can't commit long periods of the day anymore to just gaming. Too many great games to play with little time to play them. Society
Thespis · M
The animation really caught my eye, It's so unique how old-school it is. Rather than fancy they went with art.

Wow, honestly surprised I haven't heard of this game till now... looks fun! :)
Classified · M
What is it about?
Amanda422 · 36-40, F
@Classified medieval style fantasy stuff. Nothing too unique, but the gameplay is fun
Classified · M
@Amanda422 Sounds good 😃
Winning1543 · 46-50, M
Could we get to talk sometime or know us?
ilikebroccoli · M
It looks like its on Steam. Any good?
AceWarbringer · 41-45, M
Comp or console?
Winning1543 · 46-50, M
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