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Who else plays skyrim?

Its my favorite game! I'm a level 47 redguard:)
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I don't..that's one of those games where if I start playing I'll just disappear from the planet for several months.
My fav thing to do was actually roleplaying, starting a character and not fast travelling anywhere unless its by coach. Adds a nice atmosphere/journey to it, only making potions via alchemy, catching/cooking food, sleeping when injured etc.
VeronicaPrincess · 61-69
I played it for a while when it came out... and steam does keep games updated - maybe I should revisit that universe :)
I always ended up starting again and making new ones by like 30ish. Things get too easy unless its on expert or something
I play elder scrolls online
Skyrim is the second worst Elder Scroll in every aspect, only beaten by Oblivion which was a fail like nothing else.
Morrowind for the win, except when you stood there hitting someone 100 times and missing.
@Outoforbits: Thank god for the modders of Morrowind.
LachrymoseLamer · 51-55, M
I love it! But I hate how you can't choose which add ons you want in this new version. I'm only a handful of hours in and I've lost four merchants to f*cking vampire attacks. 😠

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