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What would your Fallout S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats be IRL?

SPECIAL stands for Strength (brute force), Perception (surrounding/sense awareness), Endurance (how long you can hold your strength for), Charisma (how personable you are), Intelligence (how witty you are), Agility (how fast/good at dodging you are), and Luck (what it sounds like). Each trait can have an integer between 1 and 10 assigned to it and there's a total of 40 total points to distribute (you must place all 40 points).

I think mine'd be

S: 2
P: 9
E: 3
C: 6
I: 9
A: 6
L: 5

I'm only a 9 for my perception because without my glasses I can't see a thing. With my glasses I sense tiny details that most people never do lol
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TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
@rckt148 ...uh, this was directed towards gamers lol clearly you don't play games much 🤔
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@TetrisGuy nah ,,Far Cry and Halo ,thats about my speed
I thought your were building an assault and survival team ,
And here I was ready to show some young fellows how to make it in real life ,
Sorry ,,I'll take it down
Good gaming
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
No lol this was directed towards Fallout players lol
SPECIAL is a metric used in the game to determine how your character behaves in the environment. It was asking if you were dropped into Fallout what would your SPECIAL stats be lol
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TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
@LvChris Eh, I never bothered with that, I shoved him in House because oh my god just 😍 he's such a cutie in both sectron and house forms. I literally bought the game for him lol
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TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Well I mean, I think it's cute for the character but in my fantasies I like the idea of using Intelligence: 10 and Charisma: 10, with tag skills Science, Repair, and Speech at max, to fix him up like Benny once did to give him back the ability to say "no" but then he falls for the Courier and fully consensually agrees to engaging with her lol

Not that I'm not into con-noncon but I hate being on the giving end. I like the receiving end, but his character doesn't quite work with that.

One thing I worked out is "I can't give no as an answer and I won't take no as an answer" to be a malfunctioning Yes Man con-noncon setting lol

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