Degbeme · 70-79, M
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How the H.E. double hockey sticks does that thing make coffee?

@MsSwan It’s a Bialetti, it’s Italian. It boils water from the bottom up through a metal pouch holding coffee and then through a filter, then you get strong coffee at the top.
@SW-User Oh, cool
Mine isn't special..just a french press
Mine isn't special..just a french press

@pripyatamusementpark I have one of those too. And a Keurig, but Keurig coffee is very weak
@SW-User I also.have a nespresso machine ..the pods are expensive tho
Nightwings · 31-35, F
My MIL has one like this, though it's just metal, no colours. She made coffee in it for me once, it was too strong for me. My "coffee maker" is just a pot of boiling water, which I throw into some instant-coffee. Heresy I know! 😆
I'm more of a tea person. 😌
I'm more of a tea person. 😌
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Ooo fancy!!
mindstruggle · F
I love it.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
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Ooo I love these