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Time Heals Nothing...


Over there that little mountain rises,
while some others dissolve into a plain.
Time redefines itself
and falls in sadness grain by grain...
"Time, my dear, heals all the wounds",
the two-tongued echoes seem to say.
But nothing, nothing changes here,
this pain remains and will not go away.

"I went weak, as I grew old,
and time itself has made me slow...-
and as I close my eyes in sadness
a thousand seasons come and go..."

Mighty enough to cover all
and also cruel enough to reveal,
but all the wounds and scars he carries
neither force nor kiss can ever heal.

No, time heals nothing, nothing, nothing...-
spitefully turns away and laughs.
Leaves you half-broken and in defiance
is only added another scar...
Call it "blind" how he is writhing,
counting hours, centuries...-
the pain it grows and glows in tides,
unable to vanish, unwilling to cease...

No, time healnothing, nothing, nothing...-
pushes 'till we're diving into different flesh.
Time heals nothing, nothing, nothing
petrified within some unnameable shame...
"Time's fingers claw, I am losing hold,
there is no hope for me on earth.
Time either still or maybe rushing...-
in any case it will turn out worse...-

Time is fleeting, time stands still,
it stops for no-one and we're trapped within,
and though he may dream of the light,
he is falling back (in)to the left-hand side...

"How I wish that I was dead
and rest in final peace...-
but even the luxury of death
can't cure the wounds time cannot heal..."
hartfire Best Comment
Time can heal, but not on its own.
It requires a proactive approach.

factors that increase vulnerability to depression:
- parent/s were depressed -
a depressed parent can’t teach coping skills if they don’t know them
- gender
- how you interpret events, your attributional style
- genetics - doesn’t play as much of a role as might think
genes can make a person more prone to depression
but are not the sole factor (except in bipolar disorder)
- biochemical imbalance
- systemic inflammation
- psychosocial stressors
- cognitive distortions
- lack of environmental and social rewards
- social inequities
- cultural/familial influences
mishandling key vulnerable situation
dietary issues
lack of physical exercise

Key risk factors:
1. Internal orientation
Using feeling as though true in relation to the ambiguities of life (making the mistake of _______believing yourself). Negative interpretations of events.
"Trust your feelings, follow your heart’ is often really bad advice; your feelings can easily _______deceive you.
The goal is to learn to reality test. Go outside oneself to test whether this is what’s really _______happening?
Remedy: Make multiple explanation for events and distinguish between facts and _______inferences.

2. Stress generation
Making bad decisions that make decision worse.
Mood influence decisions about exercise, socialising, avoidance, drinking - "I don’t feel _______like it."
Mood states influence memory, interpretations and decision making.
Bad decisions cause and increase depression.
Remedy: Take action in prioritising the goal rather than the feeling.
Do it anyway, even if I don’t feel like it.
Take small steps that are achievable for success.

3. Ruminating about negative and past events
Rumination affect sleep because the brain doesn’t stop.
Rumination generates anxiety and makes you feel worse.
"I’ll never be able to… because I never have."
Epigentic research shows environmental conditions regulate DND expression in mood;
changing what you do changes your brain and your DNA
You are more than your history. Don’t define yourself by your unchangeable history.
Remedy: Convert rumination to action. Action must be appropriate, timely and effective.
This may concern relationships from the past.
What positive actions would you be taking if this event hadn’t happened? Do them!

4. Global thinking
Global thinking is what makes issues seem so big they can’t be handled.
it leads people to feel overwhelmed and paralysed into inaction
"All I want is to be happy."
(Too generalised; seeing the forest but not the trees)
A goal without steps is merely a wish.
Remedy: Have goal with a flow of steps (sub-tasks).
Specify about particular wants & needs.

5. Unrealistic expectations
We judge ourself and others on the basis of how well we/they match our expectation: what _______if expectations are unrealistic?
How much of depression is caused by hurtful relationships including with self?
Remedy: Learn to distinguish realistic from unrealistic expectations for senf and others. Where the _______evidence this is reasonable to expect?

People who focus more on the future than the past do better.


Antidepressants can help do two things:
stabilise sleep and appetite,
raise the floor on depression.
But on their own they are never enough.

No amount of medication can teach:
- effective coping (stress management) skills
- realistic explanatory styles
- skills to build and maintain positive relationships
- flexible and discriminating cognitive skills
- sophisticated problem solving skills
- effective decision-making strategies
- how to build and maintain a support network
- how to transcend an adverse personal history
- how to build a realistic and motivating future

EMDR works brilliantly for PTSD
if one reads the book by Francine Shapiro so one understands how and why it works
and if one goes to a therapist who has been properly trained in the method.
@SnailTeeth This is global thinking and it leads inexorably to depression and quite possibly suicidal ideation.

Try to think more specifically.
Nothing can decay unless it first exists.
Nothing dies without have been born, growing and living its life.
No artifact is destroyed without first having been designed and created.
Nothing is forgotten without once having been experienced.
There is no grief without first experiencing the struggle and joys of love.

Why focus solely on the negative when the positive and the neutral are just as abundant?

All these things are to be experienced and learned about. They are sources of wisdom that can help us make better choices while we are still living, and those better choices make our lives and those of others gentler, kinder, easier.
SnailTeeth · 36-40
@hartfire It's an undeniable truth by all apparent accounts. It's an objective fact that can be depressing, but depression is a personal reaction, and not a societal constant. The majority of those statements seem to be examples of circular logic, which in itself is a common logical fallacy to which most people are susceptible. You can use myopic scales as a coping mechanism when you feel out of control, but not looking at the fire directly, doesn't mean the house isn't burning down.
@SnailTeeth It's more a matter of whether you choose to think in a way that creates and maintains depression and can lead to suicide.
There are ways of seeing all sides of a situation and some of those are not depressing but uplifting.
Psychological health is at least as vital as a realistic view of the world and one's situation in it.

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