My nose runs every time I eat.
It used to be with just hot sauce. I would eat something slightly spicy and my nose would just be like a waterfall the whole time.
Then I noticed it happened with ketchup because I guess maybe it has something in it that's ever so slightly on the spice side although you can't taste it.
Now my nose runs when I eat anything.
It also runs when I get cold.
And I have morning allergies.
I'm constantly asking wherever I'm at for a napkin or tissue because my nose... ALWAYS... RUNS.
Then I noticed it happened with ketchup because I guess maybe it has something in it that's ever so slightly on the spice side although you can't taste it.
Now my nose runs when I eat anything.
It also runs when I get cold.
And I have morning allergies.
I'm constantly asking wherever I'm at for a napkin or tissue because my nose... ALWAYS... RUNS.