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Some People talk as if they control the future

No one is promised tomorrow
Focusing on what could be problematic in the future is a waste of time and energy. Focus on the little things that are good now
Live your life now not in the future

That is all
Northwest · M
Some aspects of the future cannot be avoided, if one decides to only focus on the now.

For instance, spending a year's salary on a speed boat, will get the adrenaline flowing today, but if you don't put that money in a retirement plan, there will come a time when the speed boat is gone, and you can no longer physically be able to use one, but you need money out of your retirement fund, to pay the rent and buy groceries.

And that could be one hell of a problem to deal with in the future.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
My now includes toothache and my washing machine that's only 9 days old has just died on me.

My now needs more chocolate...
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Plan for the future, but live today.
Tomorrow is quite likely to happen though, so changing what is going to be problematic later on is a good idea. But I agree that you shouldn't forget about what is good now. You need a healthy balance.
A philosophy I always try to remind myself. 😌

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