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Travel in Future....

Who wonders how a post apocalyptic world would seem like? How would you navigate through it safely? Who would you like to have on your side to help you understand it better and teach you things?
Post apocalyptic world would be a mess. Trashes everywhere and homes broken into. Less old, sick, and little kids around. Mostly only abled bodies left because the weak die first. People would avoid each other like the plague. Among the people, there are predators that want to take what you have. To navigate safely, you have to travel at night time with only the lights from the moon to draw less attention. Most likely have to sneak from place to place to avoid detection. I imagine most people would have their groups or communities to live with. Some loner type people out for only themselves.

The people I want to have around are people that I can trust completely, like family. I might keep useful people around for a time being as long as it serves my purpose. By useful, I’m thinking farmers or people in a community that I can use. As cruel as this may sound, I’m not above throwing people under the bus when it’s convenient for me. I think people wouldn’t hesitate to backstab me, so might as well do them in before I get done in myself.
dubkebab · 56-60, M
Oh,I've been envisioning that for a long while.
I have a few very sharp knives and my firemaking and outdoor cooking skills are on point.
I would pair up with a witty,shapely redhead who is good with a crossbow and enjoys sharing the finer points of treehouse living and bunker scavenging. Probably we would enlist a dog as well.
I have also put together an admirable collection of beads for trading and other items of great mojo.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
My doomsday prepper friend Fred .
SnailTeeth · 36-40
I believe I can survive on vegan Twinkies and drive a monster truck. It's always been a dream of mine, and totally my original dream, and has never been dreamt by anyone else before.
funfan · 51-55, M
Let's hope it's not the kinda post-apocalyptic world to be seen yet again in the upcoming Mad Max Furiosa movie. 😂

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