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purplepaws · 46-50, F
Such kind words from people who have never met me got to await the MRI and ct scan results and the bone marrow biopsy I don't feel scared I just think my so called friend should have at least asked if I was ok

bethany444 · 56-60, F
@purple you are almost my birthday soul sister! Mine is tomorrow and tonight I weep for you. Blessing and love and vibes for good results.
purplepaws · 46-50, F
Thankyou that is very kind I think I have to find friends who are not as selfish on the 25th of June my best friend died of lung cancer and that is hard enough but yesterday the 11th of July my 40th birthday I was in hospital for numerous tests for cancer myself I told one of my friends of whom I have helped many times and she has not even said anything didn't even ask how I got on ... I'm hurt and angry that a man who I only met a few months ago was more supportive than those I've known over a decade
Ohh wow I'm sorry for all you are going through that's very hard. I'm sorry for your lost and I'll pray for you . Hopefully the results wil come back negative. I know this a very stressful situation.. i was there 2 yrs ago. If you need to talk msg me. Hugs
bamaboylick · 61-69, M
As Chantou said sadly these are the times you find out who cares. My thoughts and prayers are with you
bethany444 · 56-60, F
Message me if needed. Sometimes a total stranger can help
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Strangers have always helped me. Friends have never helped whenI needed it the most. They don't know how.
bamaboylick · 61-69, M
Do they know you need it? I only say that because I'll help anyone but I'll rarely reach out to anyone
Sadly it's often how it turns.. that's when you know who your true friends are

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