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I Believe A Guy And A Girl Can Be Just Friends

I'm still not sure on this one. I have life- long male friends that I was in school with that altho we don't see each other regularly, we stay in touch an are pals. A couple of them, altho never boyfriends were boys I had a soft spot for....or they me. Never more than a playful kiss.....but quite obviously the fondness we had for one another then has stayed through the years. We know each others partners and kids and it's lovely. I do wonder If we would still be friends if we'd ever dated. Very probably not x
I used to know a girl whom I would consider to have been one of my best friends...we knew very well it wouldn't be anything more than that.

When you develop feelings though, that's when it can become tricky esp. if one person doesn't feel romantically inclined towards the other. Can your friendship continue if you seen them with a girlfriend/boyfriend? I have heard people claim that this has happened to them, and they have managed to remain friends (one man claimed he'd even gone to his female friend's wedding despite being romantically rejected by her).

I guess if it was me, I don't think I'd be able to handle it, and thus have to call time on our friendship.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
I worried about loosing a particular friend many times over his girlfriend, my boyfriend, falling out, not seeing each other for years...but weve always remained friends...even with a few awkward moments over the years. He came to my wedding with his then girlfriend. Actually...if I'm totally honest....see g him with her .....even at my wedding was don't know how he felt even to this day. He didn't marry her...but he is happily married now and his wife and I are friends x
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RubySoo · 56-60, F
I think....even in the past few opinion on this has altered. Attraction....I can be attracted to someone and want to spend time with or woman....but its a mental attraction...which to me is much more important than a physical attraction. However....I don't want to jump into bed with everyone I connect I'm leaning more to saying yes its possible
RubySoo · 56-60, F
Obviously I have friends of the opposite sex...but not ones I spend time with alone. I mean....I don't meet a male pal to go for a meal or a movie because my husband simply wouldn't like it! It's not always simple when you or they have a partner....not everyone is cool with it.
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
Its just eventually you might wanna makeout or give each other a massage or see what each other look like naked your gonna want that affection
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
not really a mater of wanting to have sex with everyone but id eventually want affecttion just friends is kinda bla
It's incredibly unlikely that one of the parties doesn't want more in such an arrangement, whether they admit it or not.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
Coolboy86.....why is ' just friends' kinda bla?
Do you feel like that about male friends too?
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Well the conventional wisdom runs contrary to this thought:
I'm certain of it. I've always had male friends throughout my life. We've never taken it beyond that.

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