Carlam · 70-79, F
🌟 Sometimes, it’s the simplest things—that can bring joy to our day. Embracing those simple joys can truly make life feel more magical. Wishing you many more moments of light and joy! 😊✨
Lilymoon · F
It's the little things isn't it? ... love that!

Those shadows tell a story whispering and full of texture.... Such a beautiful find, I'll rest my mind upon those meadows, I mean blinds. Thank you for what is almost a lost image and ethereal yet holds such light those shadows talk with the sun hitting the blinds.
Magenta · F
Perfect simple moments captured = 😍 ☀️
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
justlooking2023 · 56-60, M
How can i be so blind...