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I Think Good Friends Are Rare

Why can ‘t men and women just be friends? There are some men I feel closer to then women, and I can open up to freely about my life and struggles... but it always turns out weird...
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Because ,they are biologically wired to like women as a romantic/sex partner.
You can be pals, but forming a close emontional bond to man, usually leads to the man falling in love with you.
People do want to pretend that ain't so, but unfortunitly, it is.
@bijouxbroussard I guess we have a difference of opinion then.
@SW-User And experience.
@bijouxbroussard I guess so, not one to battle over such matters.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
"Friends" is a peer relationship. Many men do not see women as their peers; they prefer their traditional role as the higher status person. They would, as they see it, lose power by having a woman friend with no chance at the "benefits." Also, many women cannot have a strong long term friendship with a man without letting it turn romantic. Closeness brings out their bonding hormones.
Yep...if either one of you is attracted to the other (or both) then it's impossible...😂
3venus · F
They can be friends, people just have to understand boundaries.
I've had close female friends without a romantic attraction but it only seems to be a temporary friendship until she finds a relationship and then the friendship seems to end instantly. I've lost two this year for this reason.
If they like something about you it probably makes them want to be more than a friend
Tminus6453 · M
That little called sexual attraction gets in the way sometimes
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
Men falling in love with women is the exception not the norm... I would say...
And vice versa too
Some are. I never understand people who believe that because they can’t, no one can.
Mark79 · 41-45, M
Because if you are an attractive woman they want to have sec with you
Plenty of women and men are just friends and always have been. There are individuals who may have problems with it.

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