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@lacsar: lolol ur old man ass got triggered 😂😂😂😂
@lacsar: trump is absurd

@Underconstruction: He'd find someone great to replace him... one of his sons, Dennis Rodman, Omorosa... there are lots of qualified people out there. It's just like casting a season of Celebrity Apprentice. 🙄

Seriously, do you ever feel that because of trump we're all living in an alternate universe? No f*cking way is this self-serving, corrupt, narcissistic a-hole our POTUS!
@RootinTootinHighFalutin: 👍
krf336 · M
@RootinTootinHighFalutin: well you are obviously living in an alternative universe- because if he is removed from office he will be replaced by Mike Pence... the Vice President... that's kind of the law..
@krf336: He's a different kind of batshit crazy. I don't think pence would hit the nuclear button while throwing a hissy fit.
krf336 · M
first of all, the reason there was a special counsel appointed was to investigate collusion between the president and Russia.... the former director of the FBI just testified under oath that "there was no collusion, and that Trump was never under investigation between there was No evidence of anything." So the reason for the special counsel is pretty much mute.

Second of all, The special counsel was appointed by the Justice department so i am not even sure Trump could fire him. Although I am all for it since its been proven that there is no need for one... but even if he could he doesn't need to, by law the special counsel would have to recuse himself because of a conflict of interest, because he was the Boss, friend and mentor of the now former FBI director who Will now be a Primary witness. and guess who helped prep him for testimony before congress last week? OH it was Mueller the current special Counsel investigating the whole issue.....

If anythings stinks to high heaven its the collusion of the media and everyone else to hide the actual truth.

Huffington post... worthless even as toilet paper.
Ynotisay · M
@krf336: I'll give you a response tiger. I stopped reading after the first sentence. I knew everything after that would be blah blah blah. Sorry. I prefer not to swim in swamps.
@Ynotisay: 🤣
krf336 · M
Afraid of reality. Enjoy your miserable existence
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Time for a Revolution.
@JoyfulSilence: 👍
Ynotisay · M
From Adam Schiff (who has been handling his role as the top Democrat on the Nat. Intel Committee extraordinarily well):

“If President [Trump] fired Bob Mueller, Congress would immediately re-establish independent counsel and appoint Bob Mueller. Don't waste our time.”

Even the "friend" of Trump's who brought it up thought it was a bad idea. Only the "lock-steppers" aren't blowing this idea out of the water.

Of course, those are the only people Trump is working with and for so...
The orange bastard will be impeached soon republiturds cant protect him much longer
golemn9 · 26-30, M
IS that even possible?
krf336 · M
Ok ill play ball, show me one statement in Comey's testimony that shows trump did anything wrong? ill wait
golemn9 · 26-30, M
@krf336: You're asking me to prove that Trump did something wrong? LOL
Well that's not my job! If the FBI finds something I am sure they will investigate. What is clear is that the Trump campaign is being investigated over Collusion with Russia.

And Trump attempted to stop the investigation by firing the FBI director. Something he admitted to publicly!

So why wouldnt he "hope" that the Special Investigator by fired by the Justice Department?

If he fired the last guy who investigated his campaign, why wont he fire this one?
krf336 · M
@golemn9: Good lord its like talking to a wall. You obviously just want to ignore the facts I have already stated so ill try to make this as plain as I can.

First- The president can fire the FBI director anytime he wants and for any reason he wants.

Second, He wasn't fired for investigating trump, or his campaign because that was going on for months before his firing and is still going on today, Firing the FBI director does not end the investigation.

Third, its not a crime to "hope" for someone to be fired, I sure as hell hoped Clinton would be indicted because unlike trump, there was Mountains of evidence of criminal wrongdoing, INCLUDING RIGGING AN ELECTION. But instead the FBI director went on TV in front of Congress And listed all of the Lies and Criminal Acts that she had committed, then announced he wasn't going to do anything about it. THAT ALONE SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN HIM FIRED, along with a few other people because its the Justice department that should make that determination, but none of them even looked at the matter, Wonder why that was????

How about Loretta lynch, the Former FBI director in the same hearing I believe testified that she insisted that he classify the Clinton situation as "A matter" and not "an investigation." which is a hell of a lot more than anything he admitted trump did.

and again, even if he did get this special counsel fired, it wouldn't end the special counsel, they will just hire someone else to do the investigation.

Your grasping at straws, but you obviously aren't interested in anything except what you want to see so I am done with this.

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