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Just Called an SW User

We met here on SW then started with with a few PM's and exchanged numbers, then today I called her for the first time.. was awesome!

Did you ever call an SW user?
yeah one.. she had a bit deeper voice than i would have expected lol.
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
@theowl: Lol I bet she laughed hey... and here you were saying you suck at convos lol
It's easier for me to type than it is for me to speak as in the real world I'm really quiet, so there was a but of silence at times
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
@theowl: Yeah it was kinda that way during my call with the user in question too as she was a bit shy, but I filled the gaps for trying to just say something witty and make her laugh lol.
Nope. And I wouldn't give my number out unless I trust them completely.
@ShakenNotStirred: with a few PM's? You're very trusting...
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
@UnicornSparkles: Lol I did not say how many PM's lol... a few could mean any number lol
@ShakenNotStirred: oh sorry, a few for me usually means not many...
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ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
Interesting. SW promotes business as well.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Just once. Over on EP though. She was a nice one but had other things going on.
I have voice skyped with two people, but one turned out to be a rat!
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ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
🤦 Shoulda seen that one coming lol
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
Ok you seem to have liked it lol
@ShakenNotStirred: Well I used to Skype and call that person a lot,it was great.
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
@IDidNotFart: Always awesome making such a connection.
bookerdana · M
Well EPers,several
Lisette · 31-35, F
No, not yet
HaHLoBravado · 36-40, M
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I`ve chatted with a couple of my friends from EP who are now here when Yahoo worked.

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