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LadyGrace · 70-79
Absolutely. I think that is uncaring and rude.
Thorne · M
Oh amazingly so, just like when they use LOL and you do not reply and they message you later asking why you stopped talking
FunKingPizzaShip · M
I'm with ya man. I don't mind it, however, if you text me with something vague like "Hey! What's up?" Its kind of a waste of time. Or one word responses! Those are the worst. Give me something to work with, yo!
mic11225 · 26-30, M
Yeah but people learn pretty quickly not to bother doing that with me since I just won't keep the convo going if they have nothing to say
It does annoy me. I would like them to read some of my posts first or bring up some topic. "Hi"... "How are you?"... "Good, hbu?" BORING
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
I try to go on with it but then I run out of things to type and think "Now what?"
JoserJekter · 26-30
I don't mind. It's either the conversation stops, or it doesn't.
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