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Is it just me or do people truly not understand me?

I've had these persons for whom I thought I was understood by; I just thought they "get" me, that they know what stresses and hurts me most deeply. To an extent, I thought all people understood what hurts me beneath my "all-is-good, let's-be-happy" acting. Yet, they seem to have fallen for the acting. They actually seem to have started to believe that these things do not hurt me, so they proceed conducting themselves accordingly.

Is it just me? Is this a common situation, or a somewhat interesting thing occurring only to myself?

If I truly am not understood, should I quit the acting? What do other people do?

I feel this question shouldn't be asked by a 21-year old (who ought to know these things), but I'm truly lost.
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RubySoo · 56-60, F
I feel like that these days...i didnt when i was younger.
Im a sensitive soul....and it bothers me .....but im trying not to let it so much.
Really · 80-89, M
I don't mean to sound unkind but listen ...

Is this a troll or do you really not see what you have clearly described? - A classic passive-aggressive game. "Oh you've hurt me by taking me at face value when I want you to guess that I'm acting. You're supposed to 'see through that' and treat me with kid gloves. Now you should feel bad (that's my payoff) for hurting me by not fulfilling needs that I won't reveal."

If your post is genuine I'd suggest you try therapy, maybe in a group that will gently help you to see the truth about your behavior.

How do I know all this? Because I was once in a group that called me on it and showed me what I was doing. I now realize I learned it from my mother, who played it for keeps, all of her life.

I think part of the basis for it is a lack of confidence; a fear that your real self will be rejected by others. With some others that will no doubt be true, but taking the risk of being yourself will attract those who will like you for it.

Please understand I have no training in psychology - I'm just recounting some of what I think I've learned in life; my similar world.
Boallods · 26-30, M
@Really No. You've grossly misinterpreted what I wrote. Firstly, I never said anyone should feel bad that they see not through my acting. Just the contrary, a partial purpose of this question was to ameliorate this issue so my friends and family wouldn't have to suffer if and when I mentally break due to my acting.

Secondly, it is not acting around eccentricities I am talking about; I am talking about acting that general (or even - universal) human griefs do not hurt you. Your crush rejects you; you get fired; you get aggresively criticised in front of an audience - these distress everybody, yet you act as if they don't distress you.
But you expect people to know, don't you? Of course you are distressed due to these things - you're no machine. When behaving as if these problems do not distress you, it is supposed to be *implied* that it's an acting, with such and such purposes and messages.

Say your crush rejects you. However, you just tell your friend this don't distress yo; you do this because you don't want to make a big deal out of it. Let's talk about something else while having our tea, amirite? I'll be fine, it'll pass. I want no comfortings. Yet this doesn't mean you can joke around with me how she probably has a smarter and better looking guy going around for her; not needlessly. I will get over the rejection, but that still doesn't mean such talk doesn't have a bad influence on my self-esteem. Noone should wear kid gloves whilst interacting with me; I just want some basic acknowledgement that I, too, have emotions.

Everything you said on your group therapy experience is interesting,but hardly relevant to this. I love my friends; I love my family. The partial purpose of my acting is that they be in the better mood than they'd be otherwise. But I don't want them to not know who I am; how should I balance this? I want my friends to be as worriless; but I don't want to feel alone.

I hope you've now come to understand better what I was trying to say.
Really · 80-89, M
@Boallods YOu said "The partial purpose of my acting is that they be in the better mood than they'd be otherwise. But I don't want them to not know who I am; how should I balance this? I want my friends to be as worriless; but I don't want to feel alone.

I hope you've now come to understand better what I was trying to say."

Maybe somewhat, but I see that you're wanting to control the feelings of others (and thus their behavior toward you) by hiding your true feelings from them. To some extent we all do this, but "How do we balance this?" - It seems from what you've said that you're unhappy with the balance you've struck. You have to either keep it or change it, no?

I've no wish to argue with you about it though; just thought maybe I could encourage you to look at your own part in it and see whether you wanted to change it. I won't go on about it (unless you want to keep talking.)
LyricalOne · F
Just be yourself.

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