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Can you please explain to me what changes in people's minds when they are talking to attractive women as opposed to unnattractive fat women?

The change is real, but why? Why are fat people treated poorly and thin people not? Why would you insult or disrespect a fat person and smile with them if they come back as a thin one?
SW-User Best Comment
The world is full of shallow judgemental people. It is what it is.
@SW-User Ofcours, the consumer driven society that depends on media to tell us right from wrong.
All the mainstream media do is turn its listers into 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 till they forget what being human is.@lightshinesthroughdarkness
Thank you for BA 🙂

there is a quote I like

"I May Be Fat
But I Can Lose Weight,
You'll Always Be Ugly
on The Inside"
cultofaction · 26-30, M
Fat people don't have respect for themselves. Why should I have respect for them?
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@ChatterinSeuss Photos of beautiful women in late 19th century or the paintings of Reubens show very heavy women as the model but our aesthetic sense has changed and thin women had a harder time then than now. But being fat is not healthy and that's not in dispute.
ChatterinSeuss · 61-69, M
@Abrienda I may not be healthy correct, but some people are more worried about wealth than their health... plus variety has always been the spice of life..
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@ChatterinSeuss I simply state a medical fact, just as being too thin is also not healthy. Its my profession.
I’m very polite to everyone unless they’re rude to me. Some fat people do look good and not every thin person is attractive. Look at James corden or the actress Mellissa Mcarthey, they’re considered overweight but people like them cause they’re funny. Aside from that I tend to find people aren’t massively overweight more attractive so if I think they’re attractive I might smile more or be happier in the company than say if I wasn’t attracted to someone. People’s personality and humour has a big effect on how much I smile at them to. Am sure it’s the same for most people.
This ☝️👍@Gingerbreadspice
Society teaches people how to treat others. People think fat people don't deserve respect. It is so wrong. I also hate when people say to some people "Oh, she has such a pretty face. Too bad she's fat". There was a time in history when larger women were considered the epitome of beauty. Now bone racks are hot. It changes depending upon society...
First, I should have to say that 'attractiveness' is like the pulling power of a magnet - in humans, too. What is consideredas 'beautiful' is, for me, wholly superficial. Attactiveness may be considered as the constructive effect the full totality of a person's being has on another.
helenS · 36-40, F
Who says that "fat" women are not considered attractive?

I know many men who love "fat" women, whereas they consider me to be a beanpole.
@helenS @helenS I think they love fat women because they are easy. It's easy sex and let's face it, men are more affraid of rejection than of blazing fire. Just what I think anyway
@lightshinesthroughdarkness That's not a good reason to have sex or to love someone. Because they are easy? Geez. Are you heavy?
@PoetryNEmotion No, I'm thin. When I was heavy I would get asked out by the nastiest looking guys. Now I get respect wherever I go. I don't know if it is because I'm underweight or because I have rejected many men. Not sure which
ChatterinSeuss · 61-69, M
You can't blame it on people.. they are brainwashed by society to see ugly and discontent when the see a fat person (woman) .. all you see on ads for television are size 1 & 2 models in little bikinis that look like they haven't had a meal in days.. this is what we are programmed to think..When you go to a restaurant do you order a bone ? no you order a steak's unfortunate that we as a race are led by commercials and ads like this.. I will take a good fat woman over an anorexic skeleton any day !!
@ChatterinSeuss I think society has become so competitive that only the most attractive wins these days.
ChatterinSeuss · 61-69, M
@lightshinesthroughdarkness I hear you,, I was the fat kid growing up,, but when I hit high school and joined wrestling and learned what weights can do.. I never turned back.. I hit that gym every day.. I want to grow old and see my grand kids get older.. life is short, but I want to stay healthy.. I have many fat friends that are older that go to the gym with me now.. I never bashed any of them because if I can help them I will !!
AmericanBroad · 31-35, FVIP
I've never understood it myself. I definitely noticed a change of how people look at me since I put on a few pounds
Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, the way I see attraction in people is how they express themselves not by size, skinny can be unattractive too, I’ve been engaged to someone who was big and no it wasn’t from eating too much, she was part Maori, most Pacific Islanders have that gene where they are bigger than others, but just because someone is a plus size does not make them ugly. I think the problem of how we view beauty comes from the bullshit standards of a consumerist society.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Part is the way we are socialized but part is deep inside our instincts from hundreds of thousands of years ago where we as animals were attracted to the most healthy and it is part of natural selection and survival.
BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
Just shallow stupid ppl who judge... insecure about themselves so have to attack others... they shld love & judge themself b4 judging others
I know a few attractive fat women 🤔😶
RaemaSnr · 22-25, F
They're shallow. Simple.

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