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Why are my friends and I the ones being bad friends when we are trying to help our 'homebody friend'?

I know I asked this already and deleted the other question. We have this one friend and she is very funny, smart, and a sweetheart. The problem is that she's a homebody. She doesn't really like to go out anywhere accept the food shack we hang out at. She does like the mall but she rather stay home. We're not trying to boss her around or tell her what to do but she really needs to get out more. We've been telling her that. All she likes to do is go to school and go straight home. She doesn't like staying after school, even if it's fun things. We're getting fed up with her declining our invite. Even her dad is fed up with her laying in bed all day in weekends and wants her to get out if the house and DO THINGS like normal teenagers and "explore the world." We can't force her so we just say okay and leave.

We went to her house yesterday, knocked on jer door and asked if she wanted to hit the beach. She said no thanks and slammed the door In front of us. RUDE. As we were about to leave, her dad said 'wait' to us and he'll get her out. He forced her out of her room. They argued and he said, "Get out!! You're NOT sitting in your room all day! You're a minor so I can kick you out of your room! Get out! Her mom agreed. She was pissed but whatever. He told us to keep her for the WHOLE day and dont want her back until later.
She eventually had fun after I told her off about being Moody and didn't wanna join the fun and bringing everyone down. Sorry this is long. She's 17 like we are and she's LAZY. My mom said my friends and I need to leave her alone and that's who she is and wants to do and we're not being good friends.
Dopedupxxx · 26-30, M
Honestly sometimes ppl just don’t like going out for some reason maybe she hasn’t found something that is worth it enough to go out

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