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Do you get quality time with friends?

Spending an evening chatting with my girlfriend recharges my batteries!
Love having someone I trust completely, who always has my best interest at heart, makes me laugh till my side hurts and has similar taste in wine!
Pambi · 26-30, F
I've had the same bestie since I was seven. Although our paths in life are very different, we always make time to catch up and get together. ❤
Winenot · 51-55, F
@Pambi You’ll probably still be friends when you’re my age! (About 20 more years.)
Pambi · 26-30, F
Smokey · 46-50, M
I have a buddy, that I share beers with quite frequently, always a good time and laughs
Smokey · 46-50, M
@Winenot not into fruity beer myself, glad you enjoyed it😎
Winenot · 51-55, F
@Smokey Honestly, me neither. I hate all those ciders but this was good. Although, you have the regular and I’ll take the 🍊
Smokey · 46-50, M
@Winenot fair enough🍻
Bloodsugarsexmagik · 41-45, F
I think some friendships are more valuable than a therapist :)
Winenot · 51-55, F
Bloodsugarsexmagik · 41-45, F
Hey, do you think social media has made it harder to make real life connections like that? Not stirring shit just curious as to your thoughts. Half the fun of those friendships is hanging out having coffee/tea/wine/whiskey and chatting a storm. Its harder to do that online.
Winenot · 51-55, F
@Bloodsugarsexmagik You know it’s hard for me to say. My friendships all began before social media and for us it’s easier for us to stay in touch because of it. A small group of us make plans together via an app. But we also will send each other messages if the kids are driving us nuts or work is a pain, so there are laughs and encouragement sprinkled in the day.
I think, for the younger crowd, it could be because my personal opionion is what’s happening on SM is kind of superficial. It has to be cultivated in real life, if not, it’s not going to stand th test of time.
Also, people who read too much into or worry too much about their SM identity. I had a friend who got divorced and I didn’t even know because everything was so happy on her FB page. I wasn’t paying attention to the fact the SO was fading from the pictures, I just saw lots of smiles. (She’s obviously not a close friend, by any means.)
Dionysus · 41-45, F
Ah, that’s awesome !! I don’t have a local friend like that in my life but reading this makes me want to work on getting one.
Winenot · 51-55, F
@Dionysus I have a very small number of really close friends and I make sure I get in quality time with them at least once a month. Just awesome to have “girl talk.”
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
That is exactly how it is with my BFF of 30 years. I just spent 48 hours with her in Montana, it was great!
Winenot · 51-55, F
@CoffeeFirst Yes! We’re talking about a girls trip to Nashville.
Dusty101 · F
My best friend and brother crack me up!
Winenot · 51-55, F
@Dusty101 Knowing someone who can always make you laugh is awesome.
Dusty101 · F
@Winenot I love laughing and those two guys have me laughing out loud for real.
Kaitlyn · 46-50, F
Yes I’m lucky that way.
Winenot · 51-55, F
@Kaitlyn It is good luck if you have close friends as an adult.
Kaitlyn · 46-50, F
I agree @Winenot
nedkelly · 61-69, M
I have a couple of decent friends but sadly we live to far apart
Winenot · 51-55, F
@nedkelly That is sad. My husband works so much it’s hard for him and his buddy but they manage 5 a.m. fishing outings, at least.

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