Mert5356 · 41-45, M
Snapchat is popular these days, but I am just with Facebook still
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
I use both add me up
ProdigalSummer · F
I use Facebook mostly to keep up with family and local events. I also use Instagram, twitter and Snapchat. Only Instagram sees regular use tho.
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
@ProdigalSummer I use all of the above but specially fb and it's been a while since I last used insta and the others cause waiting for a new phone but if you are comfortable then add me on fb
WithClouds · 36-40, M
I do, I use FB and Twitter; and if by SC you mean SoundCloud, I'm on there as well.
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
@WithClouds well by cs I meant snapchat
on fb its Mohon chanda and twitter it's Mohonchanda however I use fb more frequently
on fb its Mohon chanda and twitter it's Mohonchanda however I use fb more frequently
WithClouds · 36-40, M
@Mohonchanda ah okies, duh > .<
And, same here lol; I'm Tom of FB, withclouds on Twitter.
And, same here lol; I'm Tom of FB, withclouds on Twitter.
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
Add me on fb then and twitter
Joey59 · 61-69, M
Face What? Never heard of it 😉. Seriously, I've found FB a good way of getting back in touch with people I went to school with.
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
@Joey59 add me there

Yes I do and kik.
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
@SW-User I used to have kik but as my friends didn't used it much I also stopped but we can connect on fb or anywhere mentioned above just add me if you are comfortable
coary987 · M
Yes Skype Kik
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Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
Thanks buddy
coary987 · M
@Mohonchanda I can't find you on Skype buddy ?.
My Skype is coary1234 and my Kik is coary2
My Skype is coary1234 and my Kik is coary2
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
@coary987 Okay then I will add you asap from my friends phone or browser on Skype and if I get a few more friends to join on kik then I will join again too and will add you up there

Ya skype kik facebook twitter insta and whatsapp.thehelperboy3 is my username for skype and kik..u can find me out there.
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
@SW-User I stopped using kik cause there was no one to talk cause my friends don't use it more but I am everywhere else my current phone doesn't support Skype anymore but will add you through browser and you can add me in fb too my id is


@Mohonchanda ok i will later
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
Sure thanks@SW-User

@Mohonchanda u welcome

Skype, Hangouts & Tumblr.
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
Mohon chanda on Skype and on hangouts@SW-User
Planter715 · 61-69, MVIP
Of course. Most of my relatives use it.
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
@Planter715 I would be glad to connect there add me
Planter715 · 61-69, MVIP
I also use Kik if you would like me to add you there too. Do you have kik?
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
@Planter715 I stopped cause no one I open it again
RachelLia2003 · 22-25, F
I don't understand why many people use Twitter😒 It is boring
khaledkhaled · 31-35, M
@RachelLia2003 never use it
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
@RachelLia2003 I use it sometimes but fb is more frequent for me
khaledkhaled · 31-35, M
Mohonchanda · 26-30, M
Add me up I have the same username@khaledkhaled