sspec Best Comment
Here it goes:
I was once a little girl and didn't knew how to cross the road alone. Pa used to drop me on the bus stand for our school bus and I was brought back by our help during the noons.
One such noon, our help didn't turned up and I had no companion to cross the road. Before I could realize, I was holding an old lady whom I saw while falling with her grocery bag in the middle of the road.
The traffic came to a halt!
That road is still one of the busiest roads in the place where I spent my early childhood.
... and the help was no more needed for a grown up little girl! 😌
I was once a little girl and didn't knew how to cross the road alone. Pa used to drop me on the bus stand for our school bus and I was brought back by our help during the noons.
One such noon, our help didn't turned up and I had no companion to cross the road. Before I could realize, I was holding an old lady whom I saw while falling with her grocery bag in the middle of the road.
The traffic came to a halt!
That road is still one of the busiest roads in the place where I spent my early childhood.
... and the help was no more needed for a grown up little girl! 😌
PiperMcLean - yayyyyyyy!
PiperMcLean · F
@sspec the story was refreshing you know 😉😘
@PiperMcLean 😌 I won't deny either.
Arthur14 · 26-30, M
Back in June of 2014 I've started to work on what would be the worst job in my life (so far). It was my first job experience. Like many of my kind (teenagers), I've started to work in a telemarketing company. The job was stressful, my coworkers used to make fun of me all the time and I was low paid for all that. But I discovered new great friends that made the all thing supportable and I had the chance of walk around the old downtown from my city, which is pretty historic and somehow beautiful, if wasn't for all those homeless people trying to pee here or there. If you remembered correctly, 2014 was the year of the football world cup, hosted by Brazil on that time. The climate wasn't of party, we were passing through a financial and political crisis (we still passing through). I've didn't see any painted streets, or even yellow and green flags on the sky, which was weird, since we always had the tradition of decorate our streets in world cups seasons (even when we were playing outside of the country, like in 2010 in the South Africa world cup). But, besides everything, I at least could pass some kinda of holiday in the days were Brazil was playing, which was great. The less I spent in that toxic environment that I called work, the better was for me.
Carla1951 · 70-79, F
I do this most every day I come in. I enjoy helping out others as long as I don't have to spend too much money...most of my savings are all gone. AND trust me I have learned to SAVE! As much as those who have learned to 'borrow'
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
The story of my life would read more like a pediphile novel, I don't think others would enjoy reading it...