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Where do you usually draw the line in your friendships when it comes to what's forgivable and what isn't?

I know most are probably more forgiving with close friends but how about your average friend?
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Splendida · 51-55, F Best Comment
If we agree we won't do that to each other anymore, then we have to stop doing it. If the other person returns to what's not working, I get tired. I'm done.
@Splendida otherwise it'd be an endless cycle

Danez · M
It really depends on what the situation is but generally speaking I would say that if I found out that something was done behind my back and is something that they would try to hide or lie to me about then I'd be more likely to trust them or associate with them.
chocolatecupcakes · 22-25, F
Most things are forgivable. If your boyfriend cheats with my friend then I am done with both if them for good.
@chocolatecupcakes you sound like you'd be a good friend to have
chocolatecupcakes · 22-25, F
@GalacticJourney thank you 😊
@chocolatecupcakes haha yw! 😊
Peaceful · F
I have lots of average friends in my real life. I forgive everything, doesn't mean I keep them in my life though.
@Peaceful oh yea I guess there's a difference
if someone keeps lying to you or mistreats you because their life is quite questionable.. better to just walk away from them.
@SW-User especially after they keep saying they'll change
either theyll change or they lie about themselves. that they arent that way but when you find out they are that way they get defensive.
@SW-User the best situation is when they actually change but that's also the most rare. Some simply don't want to change and that's ok, just means we weren't meant to be friends
Bluesky53 · 61-69, M
not sure,,,,,depends on the friend,,,,most are working friends,
@Bluesky53 co-workers?
Bluesky53 · 61-69, M
I forgive always,it'where our friendship goes from there,
@Bluesky53 that's good!!
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
@vetguy1991 that's a good one
CanarysCry · 51-55, F
My best friend is a real judgmental asshole to every woman he has ever had sex with. Thank God I have never had sex with him. If I had I would have missed out on the friend I could ever have imagined.
@CanarysCry wow if it weren't for the judgemental asshole thing he'd sound like good bf/husband material
CanarysCry · 51-55, F
@GalacticJourney Lol Exactly. He is a fantastic friend. But he is a lousy boyfriend. If any girl came to for advice I would tell them straight up that he is a bastard. I love my best friend but I wont lie for him.
@CanarysCry you're a good friend then
The circumstances dictate it. Something terrible and I likely will not have much trouble telling the average friend to fuck off.

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