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Wow, some friend

So there's a family member I care very much for. Example, they're in the hospital so it's like I don't want to do, anything. No skype with friends for example. Once everything is fine, then it's like I can enjoy things. It probably sounds stupid, but that's how I am. So there were a couple of times where I didn't get on Skype, but... at least let him know on phone text where I was and why I wasn't on Skype. You would figure he would text me at some point though right? Well he hasn't. Some friend 🙄 And no, I haven't text him either because I'm waiting for a text on my phone.

So this friend of mine, we've known each other since.... 1992 maybe? Well it's him and his brother. We will typically chat on Skype. I've already told him, I don't care about his views, and I don't care to hear them. Maybe getting close to a month ago now, this might have been the weekend after 4th of July, on a Sunday. He and I, and his brother are all on Skype. My friend goes, ughh. I said, what's up? He goes, ohhh just some people lighting off fireworks. I said, oh wow people still celebrating then. And he just goes off with the politics. So I said, anyone can celebrate July 4th. And he just goes, yeah but so and so doesn't want anyone to celebrate, and I just went, BYE! And hung up.

Like, I'm so sick and tired of it. But you would think he would text me at some point and say, hey is everything okay? Like not one single text from him. I was going through my google mail and stuff a couple days after and I saw he left me a message on google chat or something. So in the status I just wrote: Nope, not responding, figure it out.

I was getting out of the car today after work and realized like, oh wow, I almost forgot about him lol. Like, he's just extremely toxic with the whole politics thing.
TanukiFrolic · 22-25, M
Most older men have a passion for either politics or sports or both. I don't think he'll figure it out on his own if he didn't so far. He emailed you, so you could tell him again that the topic bothers you.
@TanukiFrolic Well, I think his parents moved here from China, he and his brother were born here in the US. I just think it's a case of him not caring. As an example, he is always complaining he's tired. He'll go to bed at 8pm or 830pm on a Sunday night, get up and go to work on Monday, then he'll come home and hop on Skype. But what he will sometimes do is, Monday night he'll stay up until 1am, I think he goes in to work at 8am, he gets home at 530pm, but as soon as he comes home on Tuesday, he will go straight to bed.

Now this is still Tuesday, he'll get on Skype, sometimes it's been as late at 9pm. So he actually slept from 530pm to 9pm. Then Wednesday night he goes to bed at 2am!! It's crazy. I keep telling him, get on a regular sleep schedule you'll feel better, his response, "yeah". Or I'll tell him, next time you see your doctor, tell him about how you're always tired. "I'm so *** damn sick of doctors!!!" Even though he's on a lot of prescription medications for health problems, cutting doctors out of his life isn't possible. Especially not with the recent surgery he had earlier this year.

I just get so frustrated with all of it. You can't talk to him practically about anything. You ever see those funny Geico commercials? I dunno, I hate commercials, but sometimes the Geico commercials can be funny, and the Liberty Mutual ones too. But anytime you try to talk about that stuff you get this, "OHHHH I HATE GEICO!!" "THEY'RE ALWAYS SHOWING THOSE DAMN DUMB COMMERCIALS!!" Like no matter what you do or say, you just get yelling back. Frankly, I'm just tired of it. Tired of not being able to talk about anything that is NOT politics related, because that just ends up in him yelling, everything he says he's absolutely correct about, I'm just so done with it all.

He wasn't like this when he was fresh out of college. Not sure what happened but it ain't good.
TanukiFrolic · 22-25, M
@twiigss That's very descriptive - I'm kind of forming a picture of his point of view. My assumption is that he wants more free time for his Skype calls and doing things he enjoys, especially with his recent surgery that you mentioned. Yeah he needs his physical rest, but he might need to rest his mind too, by doing recreational stuff, like skyping, facebook, etc Idk much about his mental health and how much of a role it plays in this.

My opinion is that even though he might find it annoying that you keep telling him to go to sleep early and whatnot, you should still do it, because those reminders still linger in the back of his mind and won't let him fall even deeper into laziness.

Idk those commercials, I don't watch tv. And he's just getting old and cranky. My dad is kinda becoming like that too with age. Idk if it applies to all men, I hope not 😂
@TanukiFrolic Yeah I don't know. It's just not what I'm used to. All I know is he does a lot of yelling, at his computer games, and whenever you try to just have a regular conversation, and I just don't want to be in that call anymore. He's not rational and he needs to figure out himself.

His point of view is pretty much, hang out with my buddy and play games. But if you saw something on TV and you bring it up, nope, don't do it. That's why I like my coworker. We talk about all kinds of different things and it's like at the end of the day we're still coworkers.

I have an issue with my fingernails splitting, so my pinky nail I had glued where it split and told him I was hoping to have it stay glued as it grew out, he goes, why do you have them so long in the first place?? I said, I dunno really, just kinda get lazy with it. And like a couple minutes later I'm cutting down some of my nails with the cutters at work. But like he's not mad at me, and I'm not mad at him. I kind of took it as though he was mad about it, but then we talk about other stuff after that.

My friend on Skype is the complete opposite. OH and I forgot to mention his hate for his Mom. Oh yeah. His Dad passed away a few years ago, so him and his brother have to help her with groceries or if something breaks at the house. Anytime she calls him he just goes, "NOOOO!!! YOU CRAZY LADY!!! I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!!!" without even answering the phone. He denies the call. And then when he is on the phone after he's told her what he will do, he goes, "bye Mom!!" And she'll say something like, "okay thank you something something" and he just goes, "GOODBYE MOM!!!!" like I try to tell him, dude, no Mom and you ain't here. "I DON'T CARE!!! SHE RUINED MY LIFE!!! BECAUSE ANYTIME I WANTED TO DO WHAT I WANTED, IT WAS ALWAYS A NO!!!!"

This is what I'm saying, something ain't right. I don't hate my Mom at all. And because his Mom wouldn't let him do things he wanted to do as a kid, 45 years ago, he STILL holds onto that. Why, I don't know and this is another thing you can't talk to him about because he just goes crazy.
Update: He sent me a message on Skype yesterday but it was nothing about him, just about a video he saw and a game he came across. The guy has no self awareness.

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