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I get by with a little help from my friends.

I wake up at 7 AM or so, try to call my friend, Maurice, get some coffee, eat breakfast, and drive to the apartment complex I'm moving into. I hand the leasing agent the money orders I need to pay rent in advance, and he tells me plans have changed. The unit I was going to move into was completely wrecked by the prior residents, so he's going to put me in a renovated one instead. Sounds great. He says the new lease will be drafted within half an hour -- after which he can give me my keys -- so I ask if I can dump off my stuff in the leasing office. After a little deliberation, he and his colleague decide to just let me into the unit now.

I inadvertently leave a binder on my car as we drive to my new unit, which the agent remarks actually stayed on there for quite a while. I haul all the stuff in my car into the apartment and return to my old apartment. Once there, I call Maurice again and ask if she can hang out in my apartment while the movers get all my shit out of there. The movers are slated to arrive between 11 AM and 1 PM, whereas the internet service guy is slated to arrive between 12 PM and 4 PM. Based on that, the likelihood was high that I would need to be at the new apartment while the movers are at my old apartment, and I didn't want the movers to be there unsupervised. Maurice told me she could help, and that she'll have to bring her dear cousin, Claurice along too.

Movers showed up around 11:15, and I helped them by carrying small items like chairs and bins. I didn't get much of a chance to talk to Maurice and Claurice, but Claurice seemed very reserved and quiet. My internet service provider called at 12:45 or so, saying the WiFi guy was en route. I felt anxious about leaving my friends alone with the movers, but they didn't seem to mind. I hugged Maurice, thanked them both for the help, and then was on my way.

The WiFi guy arrived at the un-rennovated apartment I had originally planned to move into before I arrived at the complex. I explained the situation to him, and we walked to my new apartment together. I gave him my router and modem and he worked his magic. I could hear him talking to management, as the last second change of address was clearly fucking things up. I unloaded some monitors and stuff out of my car as he worked, and then called Maurice and Claurice. Maurice tells me she's spending the day with Claurice because she kind of had a shit day yesterday.

Movers came after the WiFi guy was done working, and they did their job damn well -- moved all my stuff in with great efficiency, and without significant damage to anything. I paid them and they left, and I was left on my own to gaze upon my unit, now populated with furniture. I felt a great sense of hope and relief about my new home coming together, punctuated by about twenty minutes of loud sobbing about having to move a few miles away from my dear friend, Maurice, and another friend who's not relevant to the story.

I return to my old apartment to pick up stuff, but I don't have my key. Claurice has my key, and she informs me that the key is in her home, where she's currently heading. Problem is, she has no car, so it takes her like half an hour, in which I really can't do anything except sit around, waiting. Finally, she arrives and we enter together. Once inside, I ask what happened with Claurice, why her day was shit. Maurice explains that someone used Claurice's SSN to blackmail her into committing a financial crime at her retail job. Maurice did it, and got canned as a result.

Just then, she gets a text from Claurice saying she forgot her phone charger and is coming up to her apartment. Maurice suggests that I go meet Claurice again, and I reply that idk if I should. She seemed kinda reserved last time, so I don't know if she'd want to. Maurice insists that I meet her again, and within seconds, the three of us encounter each other in the hallway. I thank Maurice again for her help, and she walks up and hugs me. I give her a squeeze, and she says that was a big hug and she liked it. And she hugged me again. It was so fucking cute I coulda achieved nirvana right then and there.

I return to my old apartment with the key in hand, take another load of stuff, and then haul it to my new apartment. I eat dinner while watching TV and then... well, then I write this.

I get by with a little help from my friends. Life is hectic sometimes, but I feel an immense sense of gratitude.
Samek · 36-40, M
Good friends indeed.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Samek I love them. 😭
Sounds like yputfine tuned a day really well, amd even fixed the fuckups in it ?

Hows the new place ?

Do you regret not getting the one you originally signed up for ?
BlueVeins · 22-25
@OogieBoogie Well, there's still some stuff sitting at the old place, and I have a LOT of cleaning to do. (: I have two days before I have to return my keys, but after that, it's over.
@BlueVeins still, that's pretty impressive
BlueVeins · 22-25
@OogieBoogie Thanks, heh heh. I really had to pull out all the stops to do it. (:

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