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Have you ever walked in on someone saying disparaging things about you?

A couple times come to mind ...

Once when I was a teen at a new job I heard a more experienced co-worker telling a supervisor (in a rather victorious tone) how she reprimanded me for something I didn’t even know I was doing wrong. I am a good worker so I didn’t think that was necessary.

Another time, after the extreme stress of one of my parents died and my bf left me right after, I heard a close friend and coworker complaining on the phone to her friend that I was so taxing on her at the worst time of the year bc she had so much work to do. My office was right next to hers and there was only a partition between us. She didn’t know I was early to work that day. I was honest and spoke to her about it. But after that, I faked a smile and bottled up anything I felt from everyone, wondering how many other people were thinking the same thing.

Has this happened to anyone?
Yes a friend making fun of my stutter .... Long time ago
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
@FreeSpirit1 I have a slight stutter myself. Idk why but it’s rather new only in the last few years. I wonder if other people notice it, or talk about it. It’s not all the time but more than an average person I’d say!
MellyMel22 · F
My kids’ grandmother(at the time I had one kid). She was pissed that I bought her an expensive Yankee candle holder and Yankee candle tarts for Christmas. She had given my son a used coloring book from a consignment shop and she was complaining saying what’s wrong with her, I wanted money. I politely told her that I thought the expensive candles might help cover up the dog smell in her house. Shut her up quick.. Funny enough, she still uses them 🙄 She didn’t know about them at the time.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
When I was in college, I did a radio show on the campus station. When I was done, I handed off the reigns to the next DJ.

I went back to my dorm and turned on the radio. This genius was playing music, but had left his mic open and you could easily hear an entire conversation he was having with someone else, comparing me(unfavorably) to another DJ there. I called him up and said "Hey Einstein, your mic is on!"

That guy was a freaking tool. I'm glad I never saw him again.
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
@uncalled4 how embarrassing for him. I hope he at least apologized.
lonelyloner · 31-35, F
yes when I was in harem there were so many other girls , all were elder than me but am the only one naked of all , in front of me they never told anything but often I heard about me from them while am not in front of them but i can heard them , they always felt that I lived naked there bcoz I want more attention from guys but that fact they never realized that I lived naked there bcoz I always feel that there are no needs of cloths in a place where people kept girls for sex only as a sex toy and as symbol of my protest I choose as I feel nothing to hide really
First thing that comes to mind was a few years ago when my family had a party & I heard them talking about me from outside the house. They thought I wasn't nearby so I walked out & confronted everyone about what I heard. It led to a huge argument where my dad socked me in the face & I instantly started swinging on him nonstop. We continued fistfighting out into the street until neighbors & family started jumping in to pull us apart.

Luckily the neighbors were cool & they just separated us then made sure nobody called the cops
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
@ChiefWalksWith40oz yikes what were they saying and did you ever get past that?
hunkalove · 61-69, M
When I worked in a bookstore a famous woman author was in town doing a seminar. My boss was talking to one of her book clubs about what a crappy writer the famous author was when all of a sudden she got off the elevator. Boy, did my boss change her tune!
Yes, sometimes I did walk in on someone saying things about me.

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