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I'd like some friends to invite me to a pizza party.... and a beach day. Just day dreaming

Silly, casual, just jiggling and joking and talking about our lives. And then it to become summer and we go to the beach with a coffee and big sunglasses 😎
And watermelon 🍉
And some hot boys and girls, we enjoy looking at them but we just cross by and don't mingle. We spent time at the beach. Then we just chill at a nearby cafe in the shade and later we go to a tavern and eat 🙂
Then home and take a shower and sleep and watch a movie and have pizza leftovers and cola 🥤💤 and sleep
That sounds pretty good!
@being nice! Thanks!
being · 36-40, F
@NerdyPotato I'll watch it tomorrow..:)
@being I just watched it again and it's even better than I remembered. It's a bit of an acquired taste, with a rather random beginning and it gradually starts to make sense along the way, and even in the end it leaves things open for interpretation.

It absolutely flopped with the big public, but gained some popularity later on in more alternative circles. I think you can appreciate it though if you're tired of the typical Hollywood movies and would love to hear your opinion about it tomorrow.

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