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i meet an old friend from 3rd grade in america!

boris a. from dubrovnik what the heck is he doing here in america! i was in manhatan walking with my friend chloe down 5th ave and i did a double take bc i see this guy he look so familiar then he is also looking at me kinda strange. we pass then i hear adriana? and i turn around and he stop walking and right then i realize yes its boris from mrs alexander B class at osnova skola! no way. i say boris? and he say yes and we all decide to go into starbucks and hang for a little bit. he is working now in manhatan as a graphic desiner i always knew he would do art he was fantastic artist. always drawing comic books and stuff. he been in ny for 5 years (bit longer than me) and doing well. what is the chances i running into him on street in ny???? crazy
Rob04 · 18-21, M
I think there's a saying "It's a small world."

What's amazing is you recognising him from childhood? I too have amazing memory but I don't show it. Lol world think am CRAZY for remembering stuff in Primary school to now.
saintsong · 41-45, F
I bumped into my lifelong best friends mom and dad in Cuba whilst on vacation, we all live in Canada!
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@saintsong wow that crazy!!
Longleggedlady · 31-35, F
It is lovely story. I as a person believe if you are destined to meet a person you will meet that person no matter about the geography, in your case Boris and you were destined to meet each other again, be a big distance from where you were both previously.
Time may tell you the reason or you may never know why it happened.
If he texts then interact and see what occurs
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@Longleggedlady i think it just a one time thing he didnt text me again even tho we change numbers together
Longleggedlady · 31-35, F
@croatiangirl22 why can't you be the one to send the text? Often a gentleman will make the first move but when the lady doesn't respond he will back off and make no further moves. If you are interested in rekindling be it just the friendship you need to do it. Is my advice
You met again for a reason find out what that reason is or you will be left with the 'WHAT IF" thoughts for the rest of your life.
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@Longleggedlady hmm maybe thank u
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
alot people asking me if i ever get together again with boris. well he never call or text me i was patintly waiting and i finally say this is crazy and i call him. his sister answer and it turn out he have this terrible thing happen to him a few days after which we met. he have been in the hospital for a few weeks now i cant not believe it. his sister marina say all we can doing is to pray for him it not looking so good it very serious. im in shock here i meet an old friend and we hitting it off realy well and then this happen.
great coincidence 👍🏻
MtnManJohn · 61-69, M
Yes, crazy. Its still a sweet story. How long had it been since the last time you saw him?
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@MtnManJohn i think maybe 15 years or something!!
Very nice story.
@croatiangirl22 You meet up with him?
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@Sojournersoul no he never text back for some reason
@croatiangirl22 His loss
Tukudo · 41-45, M
So nice that you both recognise each other so quick after long years 😀
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
is that you in your photo?
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@SkeetSkeet oh thanks was hoping for an answer

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