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IsaacDeSnuts · 22-25, M
I dont have friends, I pretty much keep to myself always. Not by choice.
bushi2020 · 36-40, M
@IsaacDeSnuts Why dont you go out and make some friends?
IsaacDeSnuts · 22-25, M
@bushi2020 I try but theyre hust people whom im friendly with. I'ts not easy to make and keep friends

kimmy159 · F
Hmm difficult question. There are 2 people irl I consider my best friends. I even go on trips with them. And a few more I consider just friends. But there isn’t anyone I really open up to aside from my husband, and he’s the only one who can’t really comfort me when I do. I’m not really sure where that leaves me friendship wise.
Sometimes I feel like my toddler is the one who knows me best lol.
I’m blessed with some really amazing friends. I don’t like to count them though. Makes it feel like a popularity contest or something. It doesn’t matter whether you have 20 or 1….all that matters is their quality and how good of a friend you are to them in return.
Not many. I've never been good at making friends, I guess I'm too weird 🤷🏻‍♀️
bushi2020 · 36-40, M
Online I have a few, in real life I don’t have any
I just like talking to people anyway.
WanderingThrough · 31-35, F
I don’t know. I don’t have the time to count, I have many friends, they aren’t all really close but there are many of them.
eyeno · M
In R/L None....finally realized I'm a giver and attract Narcissists .
Got rid of the last one last year, now my life is smooth as glass.

Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Two best friends and one is my boyfriend. Two casual irl friends and a bunch online friends ✌️
Fullmetal · 46-50, M
There's 4.5 billion people on earth, i like about 6 of them....
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
Then what is the minimum a firend is? If I'm being generous, maybe 2
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
2. 1 IRL and 1 online
Only a couple, really.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
im not sure

Andrew & Nuno
candycane · 31-35, F
Five in real life knew 2 since 5th grade

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