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When do you call online/on social media sites someone a friend?

I am wondering so often which ones are the prerequisites that one person calls another person online a friend.

It is not only here, on SW... Also on Facebook and other social websites that I find again and again people who have HUNDREDS of friends and hundreds of followers.

My personal prerequisite to call someone a friend I only know online is this:
I have to know the person well. VERY well (as far this is online possible). And about a long period (at least one year or longer). And there has to be a regularly contact.
Because how shall I know a person and call a friend when there's never contact?
I just can call someone a friend whom I can trust. But how can I trust a person I rarely don't know and have contact with?

And when I look at others, at the crowds of friends tbey often have online, I am wondering/
- Do they really know all their friends THAT well?
- Do tbey really have regularly contact to all of their friends?
-Or is it just to compensate the loneliness in real life when a user can click online easily a button and he adds quickly 10, 50 or even 200 people as "friends"in that way? This is indeed a number of friends no one can get in "real life. "

A few time this has happened to me on SW, and many, many times it has happened to me on Facebook that people add me as a friend although they don't know me at all, although they've even never have interacted with me.

Or is it just a matter of different cultures? (There are certainly cultures who call someone easier "friend" than in other cultures).

But on the other site: I am not very experienced with all that online stuff. Maybe I am just too old-fashioned... 🧓 😅

Feel free to explain to me your own view of this. 🙂
Friends take time to make online. There are people from EP now on here that I have known for years. Trust, respect, honesty, communication are just a few of their qualities. It takes time to know the details of friend's lives. Followers. People follow here based upon little interaction. I think the meaning of "friends" has lost meaning over time. I can vouch for my friends upon here and I do if I feel that certain friends could benefit by being friends more closely. My circle is and will always be small and intimate.
@HikingMan I cannot help, but believe you are smiling as you posted this. I get you, Rob. :)
HikingMan · 51-55, M
@PoetryNEmotion Yeah, you do !😋
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@PoetryNEmotion I like your words: "Trust, respect, honesty, communication..."
All these are qualities we should find in a person we call "friend."

And I think you do the right thing to keep your circle small and intimate.

I wanted to give BC in this post... But there are so many good answers from different users that I have to find another solution 😅: Take this instead 🏅🙂
I call a person a friend when he comes close to my heart. I notice that by the fact that I miss the person when he is not online and I worry when I do not hear from him for some time ... Until I feel like this, a relatively long time can pass or just a few weeks or months.... depends on the intensity of contact and whether I have a good gut feeling. It takes me a long time to add someone to my circle of friends here... but if I have taken someone into my heart, then they can stay there forever if they want.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@RobinPhoenix Endlich hat es sogar bei deinen Spätzle "Klick" gemacht, und du hast es verstanden! 😆

In der Tat: An mir alter Gans würdest du dir die Zähne... pardon: Den Schnabel 🤭 ausbeißen... ääähh.... auspicken. 🤭🤭
@Loretta78 Ich glaube halt immer an das Gute, in deinem Fall Weiche, im anderen bis er/sie mich vom Gegenteil überzeugt ;) ;) ;) also fühle dich geehrt, dass ich so lange an einen genießbaren Kern in dir geglaubt habe :P ;) ;)
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@RobinPhoenix 😂😂
WandererTony · 56-60, M
When you choose to share a special bond like getting feed everytime he or she posts or access to page content that non friends do not have, you are an online friend. Its as shallow as that.

Let's not mistake that with real life friendship. Its just a term in online platforms to save a contact for ease of access. But then the term is used by the platform provider like Linkedin, FB, SW etc. Its just a choice of word for a contact. However, even amongst the "friends" that we have on SW, we get to know some better than others. Over time, over posts, comments, responses, arguments and light conversations. For example, I consider you a SW friend whom i know better than many others. And I read your updates and care for your well being 🙂

And yes, I stopped adding "friends" on any platform long back. I only accept or decline requests. This was I dont force myself on others. 🙂
@Loretta78 Why, online friends are real. For example, you and I share Robin. He is as real as we are. Does it matter whether we can see him in person? No. Nevertheless he is real. So is his friendship.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@PoetryNEmotion You've made a good point: Robin is indeed real - like you, like me, and probably like many other users here too.

And when I can call someone a friend so it's him. And his friendship is as real as mine.

But what I was trying to explain is that an online friendship nevertheless is different from a friendship in real life.

(And when I was writing all this I was thinking even not so much of Robin but especially of Facebook and also many users here who have hundreds and even thousands of friends.

Our friendship to Robin is real, as far this is online possible.

But I doubt that all hundreds and thousands friends of a user can be real. A lot of users (especially young ones and just kids) might just seek attention.

However: I think that too many people take the word "friend" too shallow.

This is certainly not me because I know when the time came to call Robin a friend... And also for you the word "friend" seems to have still a special meaning.

But I doubt that everyone thinks so deep. I guess in generally TonyWanderer is right with what he wrote in his first comment here.

And of course different users may have a different definition of the word "friend."
@Loretta78 I think you get it. Thank you for your detailed response. My closest friends here are real to me. Have a great day, Loretta.
Peril · F
I dont call anyone on social media a friend, or add anyone, unless weve met irl.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@Peril This is very careful and wise
Peril · F
@Loretta78 thanks
@Peril Yet you role play? What do you call people you do that with?
I don’t know but I haven’t seen your posts for a while, and seeing this one made me happy to know you’re still here.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@LeopoldBloom The reason why you don't see much of my posts here anymore is because I am not more much active on SW. 🙂
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
i use the word friend for lack of a better one.. but an online friend is something completely different then a real friend
SAandME · 56-60, M
I don't really class people online as friends. A friend to me is someone you have met in person.
cycleman · 61-69, M
When we meet in person.
cycleman · 61-69, M
@PoetryNEmotion That is what I have been taught throughout my life.
But then again, people saw me while I was having my epileptic events and maybe they took to write me off and thus I'm shy and reluctant to ask strangers personal things.
@cycleman You can be whoever you want. You may also change whenever you wish.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@PoetryNEmotion I don't think that cycleman meant that in a bad way. I guess he is closed to WandererTony that an online friendship is not to mistake with a friendship in real life. But this doesn't mean that people online where you have regularly contact to can be nevertheless important too. 🙂
I am relieved that you finally got a new subject to focus and post on.

Find your own answers.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@sspec I guess if you would have read my post well you would have seen that I've found my own answer. But I can't speak for others. So I am open for useful comments and other views than my own in my post.
This message was deleted by its author.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@BlueGreenGrey I hear you so well!
I am using Facebook since a short time (because I want to give it a try if it can help me to run my business better). And it is indeed embarrassing how easy the word "friend" is used.
I agree 100 % with you: The word "friend" became a complete other meaning and context in the social media and for users, even for MANY of them, it really looks as if they are just desperate for attention.

Good comment! 👍

And I am saying the same to you than to a few other users here: I wanted to give BC in my post. But this is not possible because there are too many good comments from different users here: So take this instead: 🏅🙂

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