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ExtremeNext · 31-35
Blessingingeorgia · 26-30, F
@ExtremeNext just wondering


The US Army just gave a PowerPoint presentation featuring the 7 tenets of the Satanic Temple. It's unreal.

Yes, it is clearly NOT real. Do you have a link to something other than a rumor?

You are right about Fascism, but wrong about the who. Trump was Fascist. Check out the signs of it.

RE: The pandemic...
There are a few ways out of this:

1) Be smart, handle it like Taiwan & New Zealand, who have been exemplars of how to do it without vaccination.

Unfortunately, Trump steered us away from that and towards deaths we shouldn't have and vaccines which some of you don't want *because of his politicization of our lives, our health*...

2) Vaccination, not of some, but of essentially ALL.

Why? Unvaccinated ppl are fresh tinder for this fire, and unvaccinated ppl have been the breeding grounds for NEW, *stronger* variants, like the Delta one which is giving break-through infections, hitting kids, young people, etc.

Since a bunch of brainwashed whiners see conspiracies everywhere--except looking at what the people who are ALWAYS telling them to be fearful are GAINING from making them fearful!--and won't get vaccines, do you think they'd do the steps under #1?

No. So Pres. Biden is actually being the President and trying to save lives, even lives of people who hate him, slander him, etc., because THAT is what anyone who can read the Preamble and has that power SHOULD do.

People have been told, explained to, asked, cajoled, incentivized. If this *were* an invading power, we'd ALL be dead because of misled people like you.

Yeah, it's time to act, all right. That's what Biden is doing. Acting on the obvious need. Leading the country. Not tweeting at 2 AM to announce a new policy he just pulled out if his butt...or hiding in FL...or spending his time calling Fox or playing golf...

Wake up.
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Comparing lying to a physical task...apples and oranges, Fascist.

Saying 5 lies every 6 minutes IS doable. How about these:

1) The sky is usually chartreuse.

2) He had the biggest electoral landslide in history.

3) ...and the biggest inuaguration crowd in history.

4) Every immigrant is a rapist, murderer, criminal.

5) He is the smartest guy in every room he walks into.

Those five could be delivered VERY quickly, WELL within 6 minutes. Let's add more:

6) Every business he has run had made more money than any other.

7) He embodies the humility, poverty, forgiveness of Jesus.

8) Only a billionaire who started with a huge loan from his father truly knows what the downtrodden middle and lower classes are going through.

9) Nothing ever said by the mainstream media is true.

10) Everything said by alt-Right media is true.

Those 10, EASILY delivered well within 12 minutes.

Some more:

11) He never said that his money allowed him to grab women by their...privates.

12) He/his organization doesn't owe huge sums to foreign banks.

13) He is a genius, even about areas where he has no training, no background, etc.

14) While President, he paid close attention to details and read everything his advisors told him he needed to read.

15) He never appointed people to government positions whose only involvement in the area was as an uninformed dilettante.

Fifteen lies, easily deliverable within, say, 10 minutes. Even with longer lies.
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@BizSuitStacy we sure are I hope the rest of the western world wake up. It’s too late for us. 😢
@BizSuitStacy If you're going to make a ridiculous statement like "the US military just gave a PowerPoint presentation featuring the 7 tenets of the Satanic Temple," you need to provide a citation.

It's sad that someone who would literally be murdered by the religious right if they could get away with it, is supporting "staunch Christians." You remind me of the Jews who served as kapos at Auschwitz for a mouthful of sausage and a warm jacket. Survivors said some of them were even more vicious than the Nazi guards.
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SwampFlower · 31-35, F
I can't sleep but I have 3 cats and 2 dogs in my bed so at least I have that going for me.
Sun is shining, hitting the gym soon, can't complain. Hope you are well :)
Shipwrecked · 46-50, M
Swimmingly! How about for you??
Blessingingeorgia · 26-30, F
I’m doing pretty good@Shipwrecked
Shipwrecked · 46-50, M
@Blessingingeorgia That's good... sleep is overrated anyway. 😉
Its 9.33am, and I'm doing good!
2:30 AM... can't sleep!
Blessingingeorgia · 26-30, F
@SW-User I’m right there with you lol
Manfredthemanic · 16-17, M
It's daytime here and I'm at school.
But I feel alright. How are you?
Manfredthemanic · 16-17, M
Wow! Why can't you sleep? Are you alright?@Blessingingeorgia
Blessingingeorgia · 26-30, F
@Manfredthemanic not really sure. Might be my insomnia acting up again
Manfredthemanic · 16-17, M
@Blessingingeorgia I'm sorry that you habe insomnia. Do you have medication for it?
Shipwrecked · 46-50, M
Only going on 03:00am here... gotta love insomnia. 😣

I have discovered, my sleep deprivation is WAY more entertaining to me, than everyone else around me.😏
helenS · 36-40, F
@Shipwrecked It's 3am where you live and you are ONLINE?? 🤨
Shipwrecked · 46-50, M
@helenS I know, right? Lol! My bosses tend to frown on the whole "sleeping at work" thing...🤣 Phones, they seem to be more tolerant of...😁
It's 8.50am here, I'm hungover and working... Still it's a glorious day. Sun is shining and it's very peaceful out there.
helenS · 36-40, F
Good morning!! ☕️
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I was doing well, thanks. Sorry I got down a typical SW rathole.
Shipwrecked · 46-50, M
...or maybe: So far, so good... is more appropriate.
TJNewton · M
8am England
Blessingingeorgia · 26-30, F
How are you? @TJNewton

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