You can't really be there for someone. You aren't really a part of that person's life. You don't know who they really are either. You don't witness them in their everyday lives so it could all be lies.

The distance.
My closest of my online friends, I have known for like 5+ years and we get so close to be so far away 😂
My closest of my online friends, I have known for like 5+ years and we get so close to be so far away 😂
Ramrod · 46-50, M
It is hard to find someone you click with and its too hard keeping in touch on a daily basis. :(
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
You become skeptical...because you have to take their word for it and you don't know if they are trustworthy
AlmostAnAngel · 100+, F
Sometimes as in real life you find they really were not your friend at all.

They're so far away 😞 And only reply when they feel like it

They seem fleeting and not real
JustLikeGreta · F
@SW-User Sad but true.
They're not really real.
JustLikeGreta · F
They disappear so quickly.

It's hard to know someone you can't see or hear..
and words, thoughts and conversations can be misinterpreted..
and words, thoughts and conversations can be misinterpreted..
Mondayschild · F
You can lose it overnight because behind your back they are already talking to someone else.
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
99% of the time they are no where near me geographically

It's hard to develop and sustain them.
Splendida · 51-55, F
It's so easy to hide bad stuff.
new25 · 31-35, F
you don't get to go do stuff together.

They don't last. People stop talking or just disappear.
SugarPlumxo · 31-35, F
No teleportation device.
bijouxbroussard · F
When you start feeling close and then they're just gone. 🙁
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
they are short lived normally